- Common symptoms become characteristic ( which are used for prescribing) if they are 1. very intense or 2. group unexpectedly or peculiarly with other common symptoms
- HIERARCHY - Modalities (most imortant), sensation (less important) and then location (least important)
- HIERARCHY OF MODALITIES- 1. Causation, 2. Aggravation and 3. Amelioration
- HIERARCHY OF CAUSATION- 1. Mental 2. Physical (diathesis, suppressions)
- HIERARCHY OF AGGRAVATION- 1. Emotional 2. General and 3. Particular
- Common mentals are useless unless they are very intense or accompanied with modalities
- Concomitants of mental symptoms are extremely important
- Common symptoms become characteristic when they are 1. Very intense 2. Have modalities 3. associate themselves together peculiarly (Example-clean tongue with nausea) 4. Group together (ex. vomiting and diarrhoea)
- HIERARCHY OF SYMPTOMS ACCORDING TO DR. P. SANKARAN- 1. Mental characteristics, 2. General characteristics, 3. Particular characteristics 4. mentals common 5. Generals common 6. Particulars common (least important)
- KEYNOTES are characteristic symptoms which unmistakably point to a small group of remedies. Single keynote is of no use in prescribing. Atleast three keynotes are needed (Hering's three-legged stool)
- BOENINGHAUSEN'S GENERALISATION- when a sensation or modality is experienced in two or more locations; this can be safely generalised
- PHYSICAL GENERALS- 1. AGGRAVATIONS 2. AMELIORATIONS 3. SENSATIONS 4. Food (Aggravation and cravings) 4. Sleep & dreams 5. Sex (Desire, masturbation,menses) 6. Pathological generals (See Boger's General Analysis and "Sensations and complaints" chapter in Boger-Boeninghausen Repertory)
- TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS is not totality of all symptoms but is the totality of characteristic symptoms
- CAUSATION is the most important. Causation forms the core of the picture of illness in a patient. If you get the causation in a case, you have hit bullseye. (There are about 5 pages of 'ailments from' in Synthesis Repertory in the mind chapter. They give the mental causation. Priceless stuff.)
- Boeninghausen considers aggravations as being more important than ameliorations during prescribing
- CHARACTERISTIC PARTICULARS come last in importance. They help in prescribing in acute diseases when the acute disease throws the chronic picture of disease into the background. They are useful in finding acute remedies.
- BOENINGHAUSEN'S FUNDAS- 1. Generalize on a large scale 2. Prime importance of modalies 3. Concomitants are very important 4 Physical generals are important 5. Mentals are used to differentiate
- KENT'S APPROACH 1. Mentals are most important 2. Generalization on a limited scale 3. Then come the Physical generals 4. Characteristic particulars help to differentiate during prescribing
- BOGER'S APPROACH It is mostly the Boeninghausen's method. Boger's contribution is Pathological generals
- Remember that all chronic cases have miasms involved. Such cases need miasmatic prescribing. What are miasms? We will discuss that in a later article. In fact because of the concept of miasms, Homeopathy is a much superior system of medicine as compared to Allopathy and other systems.
- Unlike in allopathy diagnosis is useless while prescribing Homeopathically. Clinical systems as they are called are totally useless. In Murphy's repertory ther are about 100 remedies under tuberculosis. How do you decide which to pick? Get my point? Moreover, if the mentals and physicals fit, even if that remedy is not given under tuberculosis, it will cure and cure pronto.
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