"Do not dwell upon the cancer for it is not cancer that you are treating but the patient"
- J T KENT, Great American Homeopath of the early twentieth century.
Cancer is a disease that defies Modern medicine. Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers which afflict women the world over. Homeopathy steps in with hope and assurance into the picture. It is capable of curing many cases of breast cancers, while it palliates others and eases the pain and extends life.
Radiation treatment does more harm than good. Surgery is not the answer as removing a cancerous tumor does not remove the cancerous tendency in the patient. The cancer then spreads to other organs. it is called metastasis.
Homeopathy works well as it treats the cancer patient as an individual. The approach is holistic and removes the tendency to cancer.
Given below are some of the most effective remedies used to create breast cancer
Asterias: Ulcerative stage of cancer. Dull pain in nerves around the breast and arm. Acute sharp pains at night. Nodes and indurations of breast glands. Nipples retracted. Breasts swell, worse left. Left breast feels as if pulled inwards; the pain extends from arm to tip of little finger. Numbness of left hand and fingers.
This remedy not only palliates but has brought about radical cure in many cases. Generally indicated in cancer of left breast.
Bufo Rana: Breasts hardened. Bloody oozing from nipples. Bloody milk. Violent pains in breast, worse at night. Sharp dagger like pains worse on walking or sitting too long. Redness and swelling along course of lymphatics.
Bufo patients are generally mentally retarded people. Unrefined, coarse. Stupid expression. Sensuous lips. Masturbate often. Love pornography.
Carbo Animalis: Last stage of breast cancer. Darting pains in breasts. Painful induration (hardenings) especially of right breast, while nursing with difficult breathing. Hard painful nodes in breast. Patient avoids conversation. Nightly sweat of the thighs only. Low spirited and despondent. Dislikes cold. Feel worse by cold. Swollen lymphatic glands. Great weakness, especially during menses.
Conium: Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses. Wants to press breasts hard with hand. Breast cancer with hard tumor. Tumors form after injury. Breast lax and shrunken without any sexual desire.
Tumors of suspicious nature in the mamae have been caused to disappear by the use of Conium - Dewey
Conium women are emotionally closed and hard. feel tired mentally. Feel lousy when sexual desire is suppressed. Worse from celibacy. Vertigo. Hates light. Eyes water in bright light. Advancing weakness ends in paralysis. Find it difficult rising from squatting.
Cundorango: Several swellings (sized pigeon's to hen's eggs) around nipples. Sometimes pus from breasts. Glands under armpits swollen. Nipples retracted. Tumors hard and painful, immovable with severe and lancinating pains.
Graphites: Breasts swollen and hard. Cancer of breasts from old scars. Nipples sore, cracked and blistered.
Graphites woman are of a simple, unrefined nature. Slow thinkers. Weep on listening to music. Obese patients. Love to eat chicken. hate sweets. may have stomach ulcers. Better from eating or drinking milk. Deformed nails. Unhealthy thick skin with cracks.
Mercurius: Breasts swollen. Breasts harden with pain (as from ulcer) during menses. Milk spoiled. Breasts painful and full of milk during menses. Mercurius is one of the best palliatives in breast cancer. It sometimes cures.
Mercurius women are closed and suspicious. Feel worse at night. Feel worse with extremes of temperature. Feels lousy when sweating. Sweat at night. Metallic taste in mouth. Much salivation at night in bed. Loves bread and butter. Hates sweets. Hands tremble when they eat or write.
Phytolacca: Heavy stony hard swollen, tender breasts. Pain during nursing spreads all over body. breast is hard, painful and of purple color. Pus from breast. cracks and small ulcers around nipples. Bloody watery discharges. Hard nodes in breasts with enlarged armpit glands. Old scars in breasts. Breasts full of small painful nodosities. Pain in the sacrum to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum. jerks here and there after confinement.
Phytolacca patients are worse from cold and damp. Toothache better on clenching jaws. Throat pain better by cold drink, worse warm drinks.
Silicea: Hard lumps in breast. Itching. Nipples very sore with ulcers. Nipple retracted like a funnel. Fistula in breasts. Sharp pain in breast and uterus.
Silicea patients are refined, yielding, delicate. Lack of self confidence. Has stage frights. Obstinate. Hates noise. Worse in cold weather. feels weak. frequent colds. Sour sweat. Constipation with no urging. Hates fatty food and milk. Ingrowing toenails. Abscesses form easily in body.
1. Cause, care and cure of Cancer by J Benedict D'Castro (B Jain publishers, New Delhi, India)
2. Homeopathy Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
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