Managing mental stress with Homeopathy

In the hectic times of today, everyone feels stress. It is an everpresent enemy. A movie or a dinner outing helps sometimes, but not always. Taking tranquilizers is hardly wise.

This is where Homeopathy can help. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-addictive with no side-effects. Moreover Homeoapthy is a better stress-buster because it considers the person's mind and body; goes to the root cause of the stress and removes that. The results are far superior. Homeopathy cures stress, not suppresses it.

Here are some Homeopathic remedies useful in dealing with stress. Read the descriptions against each remedy and if you feel you are one one of them, just trot off to the nearest Homeopathic medicine store and buy it.

Aconitum Napellus: Great feasr of death. Predicts time when he will die. Claustrophobia. Panic attacks. Fear of riding on airplanes. Bad effects of sudden shock from an accident or an earthquake etc. Restless. Feels worse after exposure to cold wind.

Anacardium Orientale: Seems to have two wills, one good one bad. Swears easily. Bad memory. Absent-minded. Lack of confience. Brain fatigue. Easily offended. Feels better after eating. Sensation of a plug somewhere in the body. Cruel (especially to animals).

Apis Mellifica: Burning, stinging pains. Anxious restlessness and fidgety. Allergies. Very jealous with lewd talk. Awkwardness, drops things readily. Weeps day and night without cause. No thirst.

Argentum Nitricum: Trembling in many parts. Desire for sweets. Splinter-like pains. Intolerant of heat. Worse from anticiaption and from emotions. Fear of heights. Fear of riding airplanes. Impulse to jump from bridge when crossing it. Impulse to jump from window. Always in a hurry.

Arnica Montana: Especially useful for those who have suffered trauma. Injuries. Blows. Falls. Contusions. Bed feels too sore. Sore bruised feeling. Fearful on approach of anyone. Says there is nothing wrong with him/her, even when seriously ill.

Arsenic Album: Burning sensation. Sudden weakness. Very restless. Fastidious. Fear of death and disease. Feels worse around midnight and at 1 PM.

Aurum Metallicum: Hopeless. Profound depression. Tendency for suicide and longs for death. Grief. Very sensitive to noise. High blood pressure.

Calcarea Carbonicum: Hates milk. Over worked and exhausted. Worries about responsiblities and duties. Fear of misfortune. Fear of going insane.

Capsicum: Burning, stinging pains. Uncleanliness of body. Homesickness. Sentimental, nostalgic moods. Face red, but cold or pale and red alternately.

Causticum: Sincere, intense, idealistic folks. Very sympathetic. Anger over injustices. Rebellious. Complaints from grief. Fears something bad will happen. Chilly people. Worse from cold. Rheumatic compalints.

Chamomilla: Cross, uncivil and quarrelsome. Worse after anger and vexation. Wants instant relief. Pain is intolerable. Sensitive to cold wind. Demands something then throws it away. Worse at 9 AM or 9 PM. One cheek red, one cheek pale. Colic.

Cocculus Indicus: Ill effects from grief, anger or from nursing a sick, loved one. Exhausted from anxiety over loved one. mentally slow. Time passes slowly.

Coffea Cruda: Excited. rapid thinking. Uncontrolled thoughts and racing mind. Ecstatic. Ill effects from joy or suprise. Worse from strong emotion. Feels lousy and nervous after drinking coffee.

Colocynthis: Ill effects from anger and excitement. Impatient and easily angered. Restless during pains. Feels better from hard pressure. Abdomen pains, better from hard pressure. Abdominal pains after anger.

Conium Maculatum: Emotionally closed people. Hard people. Mental dullness. Brain fag. Ill effects of celibacy and suppression of sexual desire. Vertigo. Hates light.

Gelsemium Sempervirens: Timid, quiet, reserved. Cowardly. Stagefright. Complaints from anticipation. Trembling from fright and anticipation. Fatigue and weakness. Little thirst. Diarrhoea from fright, anticipation or bad news.

Ignatia Amara: Falls ill after grief. Disappointed love. Easily offended. Desire to avoid crying, gives way to sobbings. Hates consolation. Laughs then weeps. Hysterical. Rude and suspicious.

Kali Phos: Mental fatigue. Starting from noise. Feels unable to cope. Very nervous. Lack of nerve power. Nervous prostration. Slightest work seems a burden.

Lachesis: Very talkative. Very jealous. Feels lousy after sleep. Very suspicious. Flushes of heat. hates tight collars. Anger. Aggressive. wants revenge. Sarcastic. Hates heat.

Lycopodium: Low self -esteem. Low self confidence. Bullies those 'below' him, obsequious towards those 'above' him. Cowardly. Depressed. Weeps on being thanked. Feels lousy between 4 PM and 8 PM. Bloated abdomen. Lot of flatus. Hates fasting.

Natrum Carb: Gentle, refined people. Hates certain people. Sadness. Grief. Cheerful. Sensitive to music. Allergy from milk.

Natrum Mur: Sensitive. Likes to be alone. Hates to be consoled. Famished and feels faint at 10 AM. Headache from sunlight. Loves sunlight. Loves salt. Sad, but unable to weep. Loves to think of past wrongs done to him. Depressed. Very serious.

Nitricum Acidum: Anxious about health. Fears death, cancer, poverty. Irritable in the morning. Holds grudges, unmoved by apologies. Hard people. Depressed. Cursing. Chilly. Splinter-like pains.

Nux Vomica: Irritable, impatient, ambitious people. Angry when contradicted. Workaholic. Chilly. Fatigue from overwork. Frequent urgings for stool with little or no stool.

Opium: Drowsy, peaceful, dream-like. Stupor and coma. Ailments from fright. Deep sleep with heavy breathing. Worse from heat. Feels no pain. When delirious becomes bold and gay (and deceitful. Tells lies).

Phosphoric Acidum: Depressed, apathetic. Slow. Forgetful. Bad effects of grief. Indifferent to everything. Ailments from grief or failed love affair. Collapses after diarrhoea and fluid loss.

Phosphorus: Bright, excitable people. Likes company. Fears being alone. Fears death, darkness and thunderstorms. Sympathetic. Gullible. Worse from fasting.

Picric Acidum: Mind dull. Unable to concentrate for more than a few minutes. Brain fag. Feels worse and tired from reading or any mental exertion.

Pulsatilla Nigricans: Soft, timid, dependent people. Malleable. Easily influenced. Weeps easily. Changeable moods. Desires and feels better on being comforted. Feels worse from heat and sun. Better walking in open air. Little thirst.

Sepia : Indifferent to everything. Indifferent to family. Household chores seem a burden. Loves thunderstorms. Has "ball" sensation some where in the body. Feels lousy in the afternoon.

Silicea: Yielding, refined people. lack self confidence. Conscientious about small details. Chilly. Worse in cold weather. frequent colds and flu's. Sour perspiration.

Staphysagria: Emotional suppression. Lacks self confidence. Ill effects on being insulted and mortification. Suppressed anger. Depressed. Throws things when angry. Feels lousy afternoon siesta.

Stramonium: Rage and violent behaviour. Manic with increased strength. Fear of death, darkness, water. Fears to be alone. Fear of animals. Stammering.

Sulphur: Egoistic. Feels hot. Burning sensation in the body. Early morning diarrhoea. Theorising all the time. Very selfish. Thinks he is a great man. Dirty and messy. Boasting. Ambitious. Feels worse at 11 AM.

Tarentula Hispania: Very hurried, intense, excited and restless. Industrious. Impatient. Loves music and dancing. Hates being touched. Cunning. Feels good when listening to loud music and from dancing.

1. Homeopathic Guide to Stress by Miranda Castro
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison


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Useful DVDs On Homeopathy

Featuring interviews with experts in the U.S., England, France and Germany, this comprehensive documentary looks at the origins, principles, and modern practice of the alternative and holistic form of medicine known as homeopathy. Two centuries ago, German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed this system of medicine, treating his patients with specialized, minute doses of natural substances intended to increase the body's own inherent defenses. Hahnemann’s methods had amazing results – during the deadly 1832 cholera epidemic that swept through Europe, homeopaths claimed a 97% cure rate.

As Hahnemann's body of knowledge increased, so did his following, although traditional physicians ridiculed his work, and homeopathy spread throughout the world. Today, homeopathic practitioners, physicians and veterinarians continue to successfully treat patients for a wide range of physical and mental illnesses, using ideas and remedies published by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body to defend and heal itself. Modern clinical trials have proven homeopathy to be safe and effective in a wide variety of non life-threatening conditions. But the processes by which these tiny doses of natural substances are able to cure remains, for many, a mystery.

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