Diabetes and Homeopathy

According to new consult reports about 5% of the sum universe race is pang from Diabetes Mellitus. The occurrence rate is additionally pretty tall in India. Currently about 20% of Indian Population is during High risk to rise Diabetes Mellitus in destiny i.e. they have been carrying aberrant glucose Tolerance test. Studies have suggested which diabetic women humour some-more than men. A masculine who is diabetic has stand in the chances of the heart failure. In box of women it grows to roughly 5 times as well as it is 8 times some-more if the studious is the immature female.

Diabetes is compared with prolonged tenure complications which start roughly each vital partial of the body. It contributes to Blindness, Heart Disease, Stroke, Kidney Failure, Amputations, as well as Nerve Damage. Uncontrolled diabetes can mystify pregnancy.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is the metabolic commotion where the tellurian physique presumably does not furnish or scrupulously have make have use of of of insulin, the hormone which is compulsory to modify Sugar , Starches as well as alternative food in to Energy .The tellurian physique has to say the Blood Glucose turn inside of the really slight range, which is finished with insulin as well as glucagons. Diabetes is tangible as abnormally High sugarine turn in red red red red red red red red red red blood as well as participation of sugarine in urine due to miss or decreased suit of Insulin in tellurian body. The Normal Blood Sugar levels should not surpass some-more than 100 mg% in Fasting state as well as 140 mg% , 2 hours after food in take which is called PP ( Post Perandial).

Types of Diabetes

Type we : This start in immature people, customarily prior to the age of twenty years. Insulin is compulsory for the treatment.

Type II : It might start during any age organisation yet customarily diagnosed after the age of 40 years. Oral hypoglycemic agents have been the preference of treatment. Insulin is compulsory customarily spasmodic for the diagnosis of Type II diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes : It is rescued during pregnancy. Treatment is customarily not required. Blood sugarine levels come down to the Normal after smoothness of the baby.

DIABETES (Type - I) Also well well known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM ).

Diabetes mellitus is the set of symptoms ( group/set of symptoms) characterized by augmenting turn of sugarine (glucose) in the red red red red red red red red red red blood due to scarcity or loitering of hormone “Insulin” which is positively compulsory to guard glucose metabolic rate of body. It occurs when Pancreas no longer produces any or really small Insulin. The defence complement attacks the insulin producing Beta Cells in the pancreas as well as fall short them. Insulin is indispensable in the physique to have make have use of of of sugarine for producing energy. Approximately 10% of people with diabeteshave Type-I diabetes. Someone with IDDM needs every day injections of Insulin.

Diabetes is the worldwide mildew as well as if not attended scrupulously leads to critical complications.

IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) or Type 1 diabetes is outcome of decreased prolongation of hormone ‘”Insulin” by the pancreas (the organ which synthesizes insulin). Various factors together with viral infections, stress, sure dishes have been well well known to trigger or irritate the condition. But the base means is reeling of defence complement where the invulnerability resource of own physique starts aggressive the viscera of own physique as well as tissues. Some genetic factors as well as innate errors have been during the basement of this modification in the immunity. Type we Diabetes is the inherent commotion as it is an appendage of inherent defects (genetic factors, changed immunity) carrying an stroke upon the complete constitution of an individual. Hence it calls for an in-depth inherent proceed for the management.

DIABETES (Type II) or NIDDM ( Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)

The superfluous 90% have been Non Insulin contingent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II Diabetes .It occurs when the Pancreas does not furnish sufficient insulin or when the physique does not have make have use of of of the insulin yet it is constructed effectively. It is some-more often celebrated in people who have been obese. These have been the people who have normal or reduction than normal prolongation of insulin, yet some-more importantly the little physique resource poses barrier to the movement of Insulin. The risk factors for this commotion embody age, lifestyle (overeating with inactivity), conceiving physically etc. But the most critical means is genetic forsake which have the single disposed to this condition. Diabetes is the inherent commotion as it is an appendage of inherent forsake (genetic factors) carrying an stroke upon complete constitution of an individual. Hence it calls for an in-depth inherent proceed for the management.


It is the proxy condition which occurs during pregnancy. It affects 0.5% of profound women, with 40% of those cases building in to Type-II Diabetes after in hold up times. Treatment is customarily not required. Blood sugarine levels come down to the Normal after smoothness of the baby.


In both sorts of Diabetes , Signs as well as Symptoms have been some-more expected to be identical as the Blood Sugar is High, presumably due to reduction or no prolongation of Insulin, or Insulin resistance.

Diabetes can additionally be asymptomatic, however, the usual symptoms have been Increased Thirst, Appetite, Increased Urination, Sudden Loss of Weight or Increase in Weight, Easy Fatigability, Pruritis (Itching) - customarily around Genital Organs, Numbness of Limbs, Non Haling of Cuts as well as Wounds, Frequently Changing Vision Power, Recurrent Skin Infections ( Fungal as well as Pyogenic). Few people have been diagnosed customarily during the time of slight screening exam prior to tooth extraction, operations or prior to starting the L.I.C. policies. Therefore people pang with the upon top of referred to symptoms contingency go for red red red red red red red red red red blood sugarine Testing.

Diabetes Type-I

In type-I the pancreas stops producing insulin due to an autoimmune reply or possibly, the viral conflict upon the pancreas. In the deficiency of insulin physique cells do not get the compulsory glucose for producing ATP( Adenosin Triphosphate) units, which formula in first symptoms in the form of revulsion as well as vomiting. In after stages, which lead to violation down the flesh hankie as well as fat for producing appetite causing quick weight loss.

Diabetes Type - II

- INCREASED FATIGUE :- Unexplainable weakness, due to inefficiency of the dungeon in the metabolizing Glucose the haven fat of the physique is metabolized to benefit energy.

- POLYDIPSIA :- As the thoroughness of Glucose increases in the red red red red red red red red red red blood the brain receives signals for diluting it as well as in the counter-attack studious feels Thirsty.

- POLYURIA :- Increased in urine prolongation is due to additional glucose benefaction in the body, which gets absolved of the additional sugarine in the red red red red red red red red red red blood by excreting it by urine. This leads to dehydration since along with sugarine the vast volume of H2O is additionally excreted out of the body.

- POLYPHAGIA:- The hormone insulin is additionally obliged for stimulating Hunger. In sequence to cope up with tall sugarine levels in red red red red red red red red red red blood the physique produces insulin which leads to augmenting hunger.

- WEIGHT FLUCTUATION :- Factors similar to detriment of H2O (polyuria), glucosuria, metabo;ism of physique fat as well as protein might lead to weight loss.

- BLURRY VISION :- Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic set of symptoms is the condition when physique liquid is pulled out of tissues together with lenses of the eye, which affects the capability to concentration ensuing in becloud vision.

- POOR WOUND HEALING :- High red red red red red red red red red red blood sugarine constrain the multiplying of WBC,(White Blood Cells) which have been obliged for the body’s defence system. When these cells do not duty scrupulously wounds do not reanimate properly.


Homoeopathy is formed upon the element which mildew is the sum distress of body. Moreover homoeopathy recognizes significance of base means such as genetic as well as hereditary factors as the base of any ailment of the body. The homoeopathy medicines prescribed upon such clever footings plays the consequential purpose in government of most deep-rooted, chronic, formidable diseases; the single amongst them being Diabetes. Diabetes cannot be heal utterly yet can effectively controlled. People with diabetes can lead the full of health hold up if their red red red red red red red red red red blood glucose turn is underneath control. The diminution in hold up camber of the diabetic is easy to normal by progressing great red red red red red red red red red red blood glucose control( 90 – 120 mg/dl Fasting as well as with reduction than180mg/dl as PP(2 Hrs. after meals).

Homeopathic treatment: When we speak about diseases similar to diabetes, we speak in conditions of government rsther than than cure. Homoeopathy can be the vital player in the government of Diabetes. Timely-administered homoeopathy medicines not customarily support in progressing levels of sugar, protein as well as fat metabolism, yet additionally helps in preventing serve swell as well as as the result complications of the disease. The precipitating factors of diabetes similar to BP, Obesity etc. can be helped by homoeopathic medication. The complications of Diabetes additionally can be helped tremendously with homoeopathy. If homoeopathic diagnosis is opted progressing distant reduction series of box would go to the theatre of Amputation etc. The Non Healing Diabetic Ulcers have been marinated with homoeopathy in the clinic. we have seen even in aged patients of Diabetes where the medicines stopped operative as well as they needed shift in remedy & had to go for stronger medicines, during this point when we gave those patients Constitutional Homoeopathic remedies it showed really enlivening formula as well as to their pleasing warn the same medicines proposed behaving again but starting in for the change, stronger disinfectant or augmenting the dosage. Certainly along with homoeopathic remedy the peculiarity of hold up of the patients of Diabetics have softened tremendously, as homoeopathy functions in enhancing the healthy defensive resource of the physique as well as additionally provide the precipitating means as well as as the result saves the complications too. This is how it is pronounced which “Homoeopathy Ensures Health Safely”.


Diet Modification

Regular Exercise


Change in Lifestyle




Mental Relaxation

Source: Dr. A K Gupta


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Useful DVDs On Homeopathy

Featuring interviews with experts in the U.S., England, France and Germany, this comprehensive documentary looks at the origins, principles, and modern practice of the alternative and holistic form of medicine known as homeopathy. Two centuries ago, German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed this system of medicine, treating his patients with specialized, minute doses of natural substances intended to increase the body's own inherent defenses. Hahnemann’s methods had amazing results – during the deadly 1832 cholera epidemic that swept through Europe, homeopaths claimed a 97% cure rate.

As Hahnemann's body of knowledge increased, so did his following, although traditional physicians ridiculed his work, and homeopathy spread throughout the world. Today, homeopathic practitioners, physicians and veterinarians continue to successfully treat patients for a wide range of physical and mental illnesses, using ideas and remedies published by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body to defend and heal itself. Modern clinical trials have proven homeopathy to be safe and effective in a wide variety of non life-threatening conditions. But the processes by which these tiny doses of natural substances are able to cure remains, for many, a mystery.

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