Alzheimer's Disease and Homeopathy

Alzheimer's disease has thwarted all attempts by mainstream medical science for a cure. Homeopathy has the capability of preventing it. It is also very useful in dealing with it after it afflicts a person.

Given below are some of the chief remedies used in this condition.

Alum: Mental dullness. the disorders begin with absentmindedness, weakness and difficulty in concentration. Slowness. Cannot be hurried, causes great distress. Loss of identity. When he speaks he is unsure if words were spoken by him or someone else. Feels worse in the morning on waking. Feels worse on eating potatoes.

Agnus Castus: Great anxiety and despair about health. Despondent. Feels convinced that he is going to die. Coldness of genitals.

Anacardium: Sense of inferiority and low self-esteem. Hard nature. Cruel. Desire to prove himself. Curses and swears easily. Very depressed. Feels better on eating. Sensation of a plug in the body. Sensation of a band in the body.

Argentum Nitricum: Peculiar mental impulses (for instance to jump from a bridge when crossing it or jump from the window). Anticipation, apprehension and fear. Fear of heights. Wants to do things in a hurry. Melancholic. Time passes slowly.

Arsenic Album: Anxious, tense and very worried. Anxiety. Very restless. Panic attacks (around midnight). Fear of death. Fearful of robbers, of being poor. Fearful when alone, desires company. Anxious for well being of family and close friends. Selfish. Stingy. Perfectionist. Prostration. Chilly folks.

Aurum Iodide: Useful in spasm of larynx and in senility.

Baryta Carb: Takes cold easily. Has swollen tonsils. Enlarged prostate. Bashful. Timid. Cowardly. Slowness of mind. Silly. Senile dementia.

Conium: Patient becomes gradually weak. Glands harden. Weakness of body and mind. Trembling. Increasing debility. Worse from seeing moving objects. Worse from alcohol. Worse on turning in bed. Emotionally closed and hard people. Dullness.

Crotalus Horridus: Widespread bleeding. Dark unclotted blood. Bleeding from eyes. Craves pork. Weeping. Sad. Aversion to family. Right sided paralysis.

Hyocyamus: The chief remedy for Alzheimer's disease. Talkative. Jealous. Suspicious. Mania with rage and increased strength. Cursing. lewd jokes. Silly annoying behaviour. Convulsions. Petit mal. Coma, stupor during fever. restless. Quarrelsome.

Lycopodium: Indecision. Low confidence. Poor self-esteem. Afraid to be alone. Awakes, irrtable and angry. Weak memory. Domineering. Cowardly. Flatuelnt. Feels worse in the afternoon (4PM to 8PM).

Kali Brom: Loss of mental power. Loss of memory. Depression and insomnia. Paranoid delusions. Internal coldness in abdomen. Very religious. Feels he is target of divine wrath. Wrings his hands.

Phosphorus: Bleedings. worse lying on left side. Paralysis. Uncertain involuntary acts. Craves ice cold drinks and food. Fears thunderstorms. Excitable. Wants sympathy. "Weak, empty all gone" sensation in the abdomen. Hearing difficult. Very fetid stools and flatus. Vomiting water as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.

1. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
2. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison


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Useful DVDs On Homeopathy

Featuring interviews with experts in the U.S., England, France and Germany, this comprehensive documentary looks at the origins, principles, and modern practice of the alternative and holistic form of medicine known as homeopathy. Two centuries ago, German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed this system of medicine, treating his patients with specialized, minute doses of natural substances intended to increase the body's own inherent defenses. Hahnemann’s methods had amazing results – during the deadly 1832 cholera epidemic that swept through Europe, homeopaths claimed a 97% cure rate.

As Hahnemann's body of knowledge increased, so did his following, although traditional physicians ridiculed his work, and homeopathy spread throughout the world. Today, homeopathic practitioners, physicians and veterinarians continue to successfully treat patients for a wide range of physical and mental illnesses, using ideas and remedies published by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body to defend and heal itself. Modern clinical trials have proven homeopathy to be safe and effective in a wide variety of non life-threatening conditions. But the processes by which these tiny doses of natural substances are able to cure remains, for many, a mystery.

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