Impotence is a common ailment suffered by many men. Viagra may be great, but it too has side effects. Homeopathy can help here.
Given below are some of main Homeopathic remedies to cure impotence and loss of sexual desire.
Agnus Castus: Impotence an infertility. History of repeated gonorrhoea or masturbation. Weakness from the habit of masturbation. Gnawing itching in all over the body, especially the eyes. Genitals cold and relaxed. Loss of sexual desire.
Patient has anxiety and despair about his impotence and his health in general. Dull memory. Apathetic. Impotence despite strong sexual arousal and fantasies. Unable to hold erection during intercourse.
Baryta Carb: Enlarged prostate gland. Genitals flabby. Testicles hardened. Premature ejaculation. Diminished sexual desire.
Bashful. Slow mentally. No self confidence. Easily influenced. Cannot decide. Passive.
Caladium: Lascivious thoughts but impotent. Ill effects of excessive masturbation. Emissions at night without sexual dreams. Flaccid, sweaty genitals. Genitals cold.
Great craving for tobacco. Fluttering sensation in stomach.
Calc Carb: Frequent emissions. Impotence from sexual abuse or from excessive sexual indulgence. Premature ejaculation.
Patient is overworked with a strong sense of responsibility. Thinks often of life after death. Fear of heights, insanity. Obstinate. Feels worse in cold, wet weather and from exertion. Obese patient with soft round face.
Cinchona (China): Impotence or morbid desire with lascivious fancies. Frequent emissions followed by weakness. Swelling of testicles and spermatic cord.
Weakness from any discharge. Loss of vital fluids. Insomnia from fantasies. Builds castles in the air. Irritable and touchy. Anemic. Flatulent colic.
Conium: Testicles hard and enlarged. Bad effects of suppressed sexual desire. Feeble erections. dribbling of prostatic fluid. Sexual desire increased, sexual power decreased. Imperfect erections and of short duration. Seminal emission at mere presence of a woman. Dejection after sex. Sexual desire without erections. Premature ejaculation, even during foreplay.
Emotionally closed men. Brain fag.
Lycopodium: Impotence, especially with wife. Premature ejaculation. Sexual promiscuity and adultery. Impotence in old men. Feeble erections. Falls asleep during sex. Enlarged prostate.
Patient feels worse in the afternoon (4 PM to 8 PM). Full of gas and bloated abdomen. Low confidence. Poor self esteem. Bullies those 'below' him, servile to those 'above' him. Cowardly.
Medorrhinum: Sex drive extreme. Nymphomania. Satyriasis. Masturbation (even in young children). Extreme sexual behaviour, incest or group sex. Impotence. Weakness after emission. Emissions at night, followed by weakness.
Passionate people. Want to experience everything. aggressive. Cruel to animals. Better at seaside, in the evening and at night. "Rock-n-roll generation" mentality.
Nux Vomica: Strong sexual desire. promiscuous. Rectal spasm during orgasm. Penis relaxes during embrace. Bad effects of sexual excesses. Cannot be in female company without emission.
Ambitious men. Irritable. Worse early morning cold air. Angry at contradiction. Frequent urgings for stool without stool (or with little stool). Fatigue from overwork.
Phosphorus: Irresistible sexual desire but impotent. Involuntary emissions with lascivious dreams. Lascivious, strips off clothes. Sexual mania. Feeble erections or no erections.
Fears about the future. Fears thunderstorms. Excitable. Impressionable. Wants sympathy. Oversensitive to external impressions. Gullible. Clairvoyant. Craves cold, iced drinks, salt, chocolates.
Selenium: Sexual weakness. Dribbling of semen during sleep. Irritable after sex. Lascivious but impotent. Increased desire, decreased ability. Penis relaxes during sex. Semen watery, odorless. Chronic gleet.
Sepia: Offensive sweat on scrotum. genital cold. Gleet. Low sexual desire. Feels lousy after intercourse.
Patients uninterested and indifferent to everything. Hates company. Likes to be alone. Mental dullness. Sarcastic. Indifferent to family. Feels lousy at 2 PM to 4 PM or between 3PM to 5PM.
Sulphur: oOgans cold, relaxed. Backache and weakness of limbs after sex with sadness and irritability. Penis cold.
Philosophical, theorising men. Very selfish. Imagines himself to be a great man. Hot patient. Has early morning diarrhoea.
1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy
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