The Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy has been in business within three blocks of its current location on Broadway since 1944. It offers free consultations with homeopaths, herbalists, nutritionists, naturopaths and other staff. They can't legally diagnose anyone, but they can tell people their options and make recommendations.
"This place is unbelievable," said customer Mitzy Robinson, who lives in Beverly Hills. "They are all bright and helpful. They care — that's important."
As the debate over health care reform rages on, little has been said about homeopathic medicine, much of which isn't covered by traditional insurance plans. Even with an economy struggling and consumer confidence shattered, there are Santa Monicans who are willing to pay out of pocket for their non-Western remedies. Why? Some do not believe drugs are the answer while others feel investing now in their health will cut down costs in the long run, keeping them out of the doctor's office.
"We try to get down to the root of the problem," said Kristin Rotblatt, an acupuncturist who works at the pharmacy, contrasting holistic care with Western medicine's palliative remedies. "We pick up on things doctors no longer remember to ask about because their whole idea is what drug will repress what symptom."
The basic tenant of homeopathy is that a small dose of whatever is causing a symptom to appear can actually solve the problem. Son of the original founders and current co-owner Bob Litvak gave the example of arsenic as a remedy for food poisoning.
He stressed homeopathy's non-invasive qualities.
"It's safe for infants, children, nursing mothers — anyone," he said.
Litvak said holistic medicine's real rise in popularity began about 20 years ago, as the public became more aware of options available outside Western medicine.
"It's definitely a trend that's spreading," Litvak said.
Santa Monica Daily News
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[image: Ulcerative colitis homeopathy supplements]
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