Managing mental stress with Homeopathy

In the hectic times of today, everyone feels stress. It is an everpresent enemy. A movie or a dinner outing helps sometimes, but not always. Taking tranquilizers is hardly wise.

This is where Homeopathy can help. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-addictive with no side-effects. Moreover Homeoapthy is a better stress-buster because it considers the person's mind and body; goes to the root cause of the stress and removes that. The results are far superior. Homeopathy cures stress, not suppresses it.

Here are some Homeopathic remedies useful in dealing with stress. Read the descriptions against each remedy and if you feel you are one one of them, just trot off to the nearest Homeopathic medicine store and buy it.

Aconitum Napellus: Great feasr of death. Predicts time when he will die. Claustrophobia. Panic attacks. Fear of riding on airplanes. Bad effects of sudden shock from an accident or an earthquake etc. Restless. Feels worse after exposure to cold wind.

Anacardium Orientale: Seems to have two wills, one good one bad. Swears easily. Bad memory. Absent-minded. Lack of confience. Brain fatigue. Easily offended. Feels better after eating. Sensation of a plug somewhere in the body. Cruel (especially to animals).

Apis Mellifica: Burning, stinging pains. Anxious restlessness and fidgety. Allergies. Very jealous with lewd talk. Awkwardness, drops things readily. Weeps day and night without cause. No thirst.

Argentum Nitricum: Trembling in many parts. Desire for sweets. Splinter-like pains. Intolerant of heat. Worse from anticiaption and from emotions. Fear of heights. Fear of riding airplanes. Impulse to jump from bridge when crossing it. Impulse to jump from window. Always in a hurry.

Arnica Montana: Especially useful for those who have suffered trauma. Injuries. Blows. Falls. Contusions. Bed feels too sore. Sore bruised feeling. Fearful on approach of anyone. Says there is nothing wrong with him/her, even when seriously ill.

Arsenic Album: Burning sensation. Sudden weakness. Very restless. Fastidious. Fear of death and disease. Feels worse around midnight and at 1 PM.

Aurum Metallicum: Hopeless. Profound depression. Tendency for suicide and longs for death. Grief. Very sensitive to noise. High blood pressure.

Calcarea Carbonicum: Hates milk. Over worked and exhausted. Worries about responsiblities and duties. Fear of misfortune. Fear of going insane.

Capsicum: Burning, stinging pains. Uncleanliness of body. Homesickness. Sentimental, nostalgic moods. Face red, but cold or pale and red alternately.

Causticum: Sincere, intense, idealistic folks. Very sympathetic. Anger over injustices. Rebellious. Complaints from grief. Fears something bad will happen. Chilly people. Worse from cold. Rheumatic compalints.

Chamomilla: Cross, uncivil and quarrelsome. Worse after anger and vexation. Wants instant relief. Pain is intolerable. Sensitive to cold wind. Demands something then throws it away. Worse at 9 AM or 9 PM. One cheek red, one cheek pale. Colic.

Cocculus Indicus: Ill effects from grief, anger or from nursing a sick, loved one. Exhausted from anxiety over loved one. mentally slow. Time passes slowly.

Coffea Cruda: Excited. rapid thinking. Uncontrolled thoughts and racing mind. Ecstatic. Ill effects from joy or suprise. Worse from strong emotion. Feels lousy and nervous after drinking coffee.

Colocynthis: Ill effects from anger and excitement. Impatient and easily angered. Restless during pains. Feels better from hard pressure. Abdomen pains, better from hard pressure. Abdominal pains after anger.

Conium Maculatum: Emotionally closed people. Hard people. Mental dullness. Brain fag. Ill effects of celibacy and suppression of sexual desire. Vertigo. Hates light.

Gelsemium Sempervirens: Timid, quiet, reserved. Cowardly. Stagefright. Complaints from anticipation. Trembling from fright and anticipation. Fatigue and weakness. Little thirst. Diarrhoea from fright, anticipation or bad news.

Ignatia Amara: Falls ill after grief. Disappointed love. Easily offended. Desire to avoid crying, gives way to sobbings. Hates consolation. Laughs then weeps. Hysterical. Rude and suspicious.

Kali Phos: Mental fatigue. Starting from noise. Feels unable to cope. Very nervous. Lack of nerve power. Nervous prostration. Slightest work seems a burden.

Lachesis: Very talkative. Very jealous. Feels lousy after sleep. Very suspicious. Flushes of heat. hates tight collars. Anger. Aggressive. wants revenge. Sarcastic. Hates heat.

Lycopodium: Low self -esteem. Low self confidence. Bullies those 'below' him, obsequious towards those 'above' him. Cowardly. Depressed. Weeps on being thanked. Feels lousy between 4 PM and 8 PM. Bloated abdomen. Lot of flatus. Hates fasting.

Natrum Carb: Gentle, refined people. Hates certain people. Sadness. Grief. Cheerful. Sensitive to music. Allergy from milk.

Natrum Mur: Sensitive. Likes to be alone. Hates to be consoled. Famished and feels faint at 10 AM. Headache from sunlight. Loves sunlight. Loves salt. Sad, but unable to weep. Loves to think of past wrongs done to him. Depressed. Very serious.

Nitricum Acidum: Anxious about health. Fears death, cancer, poverty. Irritable in the morning. Holds grudges, unmoved by apologies. Hard people. Depressed. Cursing. Chilly. Splinter-like pains.

Nux Vomica: Irritable, impatient, ambitious people. Angry when contradicted. Workaholic. Chilly. Fatigue from overwork. Frequent urgings for stool with little or no stool.

Opium: Drowsy, peaceful, dream-like. Stupor and coma. Ailments from fright. Deep sleep with heavy breathing. Worse from heat. Feels no pain. When delirious becomes bold and gay (and deceitful. Tells lies).

Phosphoric Acidum: Depressed, apathetic. Slow. Forgetful. Bad effects of grief. Indifferent to everything. Ailments from grief or failed love affair. Collapses after diarrhoea and fluid loss.

Phosphorus: Bright, excitable people. Likes company. Fears being alone. Fears death, darkness and thunderstorms. Sympathetic. Gullible. Worse from fasting.

Picric Acidum: Mind dull. Unable to concentrate for more than a few minutes. Brain fag. Feels worse and tired from reading or any mental exertion.

Pulsatilla Nigricans: Soft, timid, dependent people. Malleable. Easily influenced. Weeps easily. Changeable moods. Desires and feels better on being comforted. Feels worse from heat and sun. Better walking in open air. Little thirst.

Sepia : Indifferent to everything. Indifferent to family. Household chores seem a burden. Loves thunderstorms. Has "ball" sensation some where in the body. Feels lousy in the afternoon.

Silicea: Yielding, refined people. lack self confidence. Conscientious about small details. Chilly. Worse in cold weather. frequent colds and flu's. Sour perspiration.

Staphysagria: Emotional suppression. Lacks self confidence. Ill effects on being insulted and mortification. Suppressed anger. Depressed. Throws things when angry. Feels lousy afternoon siesta.

Stramonium: Rage and violent behaviour. Manic with increased strength. Fear of death, darkness, water. Fears to be alone. Fear of animals. Stammering.

Sulphur: Egoistic. Feels hot. Burning sensation in the body. Early morning diarrhoea. Theorising all the time. Very selfish. Thinks he is a great man. Dirty and messy. Boasting. Ambitious. Feels worse at 11 AM.

Tarentula Hispania: Very hurried, intense, excited and restless. Industrious. Impatient. Loves music and dancing. Hates being touched. Cunning. Feels good when listening to loud music and from dancing.

1. Homeopathic Guide to Stress by Miranda Castro
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison


Managing mental stress with Homeopathy: Causes of stress indicate the remedies needed

In the hectic times of today, everyone feels stress. It is an ever present enemy. A movie or a dinner outing helps sometimes, but not always. Taking tranquilizers is hardly wise.

This is where Homeopathy can help. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-addictive with no side-effects. Moreover Homeopathy is a better stress-buster because it considers the person's mind and body; goes to the root cause of the stress and removes that. The results are far superior. Homeopathy cures stress, not suppresses it.

The cause of stress is very important. A homeopathic remedy works well when the cause of stress has been clearly identified.


Anger: Chamomilla, Colocynth, Ignatia, Nux Vomica, Opium
Anger, suppressed: Lycopodium, Staphysagria
Anticipation: Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea.
Bad News: Gelsemium.
Business Failure: Aurum Metallicum, Hyocyamus.
Cares, Worries: Cocculus, Nux Vomica.
Celibacy: Conium, Phosphorus.
Death of loved ones: Aconite, Arsenic Album, Ignatia, Lachesis, Opium, Phosphoric Acid, Staphysagria.
Death of a child: Ignatia.
Death of parents or friends: Causticum, Ignatia.Disappointment: Aurum Met., Ignatia, Mercurius, Natrum Mur., Phosphoric Acid, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria.
Disappointment, recent: Ignatia.
Disappointment, old: Natrum Mur.
Discord between boss and subordinates: Arsenic Album.
Domination, long parental control: Carcinosin.
Dominated for a long time: Carcinosin, Sepia.
Fear (sudden), shock: Aconite, Gelsemium.
Grief (suffering silently): Carcinosin, Natrum Mur.
Homesickness: Capsicum, Phosphoric Acid.
Love (affair failed): Aurum Met., Igantia, Natrum Mur., Hyocyamus, Phosphoric Acid, Staphysagria.
Mental Work (excessive): Kali Iodide, Nux Vomica, Natrum carb, Staphysagria.
Quarrels (unending): Carcinosin.
Rejection (by lover, spouse): Natrum Mur.
Rudeness of others: Natrum Mur, Staphysagria.
Scorned: Bryonia, Chamomilla, Natrum Mur, Nux Vomica.
Sex (excessive): Apis, Calc Carb, China, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphorus, Staphysagria.
Violence: Aurum Met, Bryonia, Carcinosin, Stramonium.
Sexual abuse: Aconite, Arnica, Carcinosin, Ignatia, Natrum Mur, Opium, Sepia, Staphysagria.

Please note- Carcinosin is a remedy to be taken very infrequently. The second dose to be taken only after the effects of the first dose has worn off. Not to be taken below 30 potency. Natrum Mur is to be taken once in the 200 potency. Not to be repeated.

Adapted from
Synthesis 8
by Frederik Schroyens


Nervous and scared before examinations? Homeopathy can help in exam fear!

Ever the sturdiest of souls quiver before an exam. So don't fret, you are not alone. But that is a small consolation. How to deal with the pre-exam nerves?

Homeopathy can help you. No doctor's prescription needed. No side effects. And absolutely safe. And Homeopathic remedies are non-addictive.

Gelsemium Sempervirens: You always thought that you were brave, but before the exams, you feel so darned cowardly! You feel your heart will stop. You feel like, for a moment, giving it all up. That you cannot face the tension. You feel weak, fatigued. May be slightly chilly. A slight headache too, perhaps? Eyelids heavy and drooping. Some of you have diarrhoea before an exam. Little thirst. May be the legs feel weak.

Now, if this is you before examinations, then Gelsemium 30 or 200 is what you need. Totter off to the nearest Homeopathic medicine shop (or order it online) and ask for GELSEMIUM 30 (or 200 if you want it a stronger). Just pop one globule (no water or food 10 minutes before or after, please!) on your tongue and let it dissolve. Within minutes you will be a new man (or woman)! Remember, Gelsemium benefits soldiers when they go into action. You are only going for an exam!

Aethusa Cynapium: You have studied like hell for the exams and suddenly you feel unable to concentrate, think or fix attention. You feel restless, anxious and are almost in tears.

In such a situation you need AETHUSA 30. It has also been called "fool's parsley." It makes a genius out of a fool. And you are anything but that! So just keep popping a globule of the remedy on your tongue, two times a day as long as your exams last.

Child sexual abuse and Homeopathy

Child abuse leaves a child with deep scars. If left untreated they may develop into physical and mental pathology later in life. Homeopathy has the power of curing the ill-effects of child abuse even when the child grows up to be an adult.

All the remedies mentioned below have that capability. They not help the abused child but help even when it has grown into an adult.

Anacardium: Sense of inferiority and low self-esteem. Hard nature. Cruel (especially to animals). Desire to curse and swear. No morals. Feel better on eating. Sensation of a plug in the body (joints, stomach etc.) A sensation of a band in the body. Blasphemous. May be schizophrenic. Helpful for sexually children. Also for a child who has undergone violence.

Arnica Montana: When delirious, says is well and does not want the doctor, even though seriously ill. Heals and cures ill-effects of blows, contusions. Cures bad effect of trauma. Everything feels hard. Bed feels hard. Has a bruised sensation. Especially indicated for children who have suffered violence.

Carcinosin: A valuable remedy for child abuse. Emotional suppression and guilt feelings. Loves thunderstorms. Loves dancing and music. Feels worse in the afternoon (1PM - 6PM) and at night (2AM - 4AM). Especially indicated if there is a family history of cancer. Dark, sultry complexion with moles. For children who have suffered sexual abuse and violence.

Ignatia: Very useful to deal with bouts of depression, even years later. Sense of internal conflict and frustration. Sleeplessness. Oversensitive and nervous. For sexually abused children.

Natrum Mur: Likes to be alone. Hates to be consoled. Feels famished and faint at 11AM. Feels worse in sunlight. Very sensitive. Keeps thinking of what he/she underwent even years later. Likes salty food. Feels hot all the time.

Opium: State of stupor. Deep sleep with heavy breathing. Feels no pain. During bouts of delirium feels bold and gay. Tells lies and becomes deceitful then.

Platinum: Haughty patients who loves themselves. Superiority complex. Very passionate. Rude. Contemptuous. Impulse for violence. Increased sexual desire. Sexually perverted. Sensation of a band. Useful for sexually abused children. Feels "does not belong to his family".

Sepia: Indifferent. Uninterested in anything. Mentally dull. Likes to be alone. sarcastic. Feels worse in the afternoon.

Staphysagria: Tendency to masturbation. Low self-confidence. Has a sense of deep guilt, shame and humiliation. Suppressed anger. Outbursts of anger at times. Throws things. Useful for sexually abused children and also those who have suffered violence.

1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy

Child Abuse and Homeopathy

Child abuse leaves a child with deep scars. If left untreated they may develop into physical and mental pathology later in life. Homeopathy has the power of curing the ill-effects of child abuse even when the child grows up to be an adult.

All the remedies mentioned below have that capability. They not help the abused child but help even when it has grown into an adult.

Anacardium: Sense of inferiority and low self-esteem. Hard nature. Cruel (especially to animals). Desire to curse and swear. No morals. Feel better on eating. Sensation of a plug in the body (joints, stomach etc.) A sensation of a band in the body. Blasphemous. May be schizophrenic. Helpful for sexually children. Also for a child who has undergone violence.

Arnica Montana: When delirious, says is well and does not want the doctor, even though seriously ill. Heals and cures ill-effects of blows, contusions. Cures bad effect of trauma. Everything feels hard. Bed feels hard. Has a bruised sensation. Especially indicated for children who have suffered violence.

Carcinosin: A valuable remedy for child abuse. Emotional suppression and guilt feelings. Loves thunderstorms. Loves dancing and music. Feels worse in the afternoon (1PM - 6PM) and at night (2AM - 4AM). Especially indicated if there is a family history of cancer. Dark, sultry complexion with moles. For children who have suffered sexual abuse and violence.

Ignatia: Very useful to deal with bouts of depression, even years later. Sense of internal conflict and frustration. Sleeplessness. Oversensitive and nervous. For sexually abused children.

Natrum Mur: Likes to be alone. Hates to be consoled. Feels famished and faint at 11AM. Feels worse in sunlight. Very sensitive. Keeps thinking of what he/she underwent even years later. Likes salty food. Feels hot all the time.

Opium: State of stupor. Deep sleep with heavy breathing. Feels no pain. During bouts of delirium feels bold and gay. Tells lies and becomes deceitful then.

Platinum: Haughty patients who loves themselves. Superiority complex. Very passionate. Rude. Contemptuous. Impulse for violence. Increased sexual desire. Sexually perverted. Sensation of a band. Useful for sexually abused children. Feels "does not belong to his family".

Sepia: Indifferent. Uninterested in anything. Mentally dull. Likes to be alone. sarcastic. Feels worse in the afternoon.

Staphysagria: Tendency to masturbation. Low self-confidence. Has a sense of deep guilt, shame and humiliation. Suppressed anger. Outbursts of anger at times. Throws things. Useful for sexually abused children and also those who have suffered violence.

1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy


The Dark Secrets of Rebecca Marie

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (8th Edition)

Please Tell!: A Child's Story About Sexual Abuse (Early Steps)

Alzheimer's Disease and Homeopathy

Alzheimer's disease has thwarted all attempts by mainstream medical science for a cure. Homeopathy has the capability of preventing it. It is also very useful in dealing with it after it afflicts a person.

Given below are some of the chief remedies used in this condition.

Alum: Mental dullness. the disorders begin with absentmindedness, weakness and difficulty in concentration. Slowness. Cannot be hurried, causes great distress. Loss of identity. When he speaks he is unsure if words were spoken by him or someone else. Feels worse in the morning on waking. Feels worse on eating potatoes.

Agnus Castus: Great anxiety and despair about health. Despondent. Feels convinced that he is going to die. Coldness of genitals.

Anacardium: Sense of inferiority and low self-esteem. Hard nature. Cruel. Desire to prove himself. Curses and swears easily. Very depressed. Feels better on eating. Sensation of a plug in the body. Sensation of a band in the body.

Argentum Nitricum: Peculiar mental impulses (for instance to jump from a bridge when crossing it or jump from the window). Anticipation, apprehension and fear. Fear of heights. Wants to do things in a hurry. Melancholic. Time passes slowly.

Arsenic Album: Anxious, tense and very worried. Anxiety. Very restless. Panic attacks (around midnight). Fear of death. Fearful of robbers, of being poor. Fearful when alone, desires company. Anxious for well being of family and close friends. Selfish. Stingy. Perfectionist. Prostration. Chilly folks.

Aurum Iodide: Useful in spasm of larynx and in senility.

Baryta Carb: Takes cold easily. Has swollen tonsils. Enlarged prostate. Bashful. Timid. Cowardly. Slowness of mind. Silly. Senile dementia.

Conium: Patient becomes gradually weak. Glands harden. Weakness of body and mind. Trembling. Increasing debility. Worse from seeing moving objects. Worse from alcohol. Worse on turning in bed. Emotionally closed and hard people. Dullness.

Crotalus Horridus: Widespread bleeding. Dark unclotted blood. Bleeding from eyes. Craves pork. Weeping. Sad. Aversion to family. Right sided paralysis.

Hyocyamus: The chief remedy for Alzheimer's disease. Talkative. Jealous. Suspicious. Mania with rage and increased strength. Cursing. lewd jokes. Silly annoying behaviour. Convulsions. Petit mal. Coma, stupor during fever. restless. Quarrelsome.

Lycopodium: Indecision. Low confidence. Poor self-esteem. Afraid to be alone. Awakes, irrtable and angry. Weak memory. Domineering. Cowardly. Flatuelnt. Feels worse in the afternoon (4PM to 8PM).

Kali Brom: Loss of mental power. Loss of memory. Depression and insomnia. Paranoid delusions. Internal coldness in abdomen. Very religious. Feels he is target of divine wrath. Wrings his hands.

Phosphorus: Bleedings. worse lying on left side. Paralysis. Uncertain involuntary acts. Craves ice cold drinks and food. Fears thunderstorms. Excitable. Wants sympathy. "Weak, empty all gone" sensation in the abdomen. Hearing difficult. Very fetid stools and flatus. Vomiting water as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.

1. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
2. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison


Impotence (and loss of sexual desire) and Homeopathy

Impotence is a common ailment suffered by many men. Viagra may be great, but it too has side effects. Homeopathy can help here.

Given below are some of main Homeopathic remedies to cure impotence and loss of sexual desire.

Agnus Castus: Impotence an infertility. History of repeated gonorrhoea or masturbation. Weakness from the habit of masturbation. Gnawing itching in all over the body, especially the eyes. Genitals cold and relaxed. Loss of sexual desire.
Patient has anxiety and despair about his impotence and his health in general. Dull memory. Apathetic. Impotence despite strong sexual arousal and fantasies. Unable to hold erection during intercourse.

Baryta Carb: Enlarged prostate gland. Genitals flabby. Testicles hardened. Premature ejaculation. Diminished sexual desire.
Bashful. Slow mentally. No self confidence. Easily influenced. Cannot decide. Passive.

Caladium: Lascivious thoughts but impotent. Ill effects of excessive masturbation. Emissions at night without sexual dreams. Flaccid, sweaty genitals. Genitals cold.
Great craving for tobacco. Fluttering sensation in stomach.

Calc Carb: Frequent emissions. Impotence from sexual abuse or from excessive sexual indulgence. Premature ejaculation.
Patient is overworked with a strong sense of responsibility. Thinks often of life after death. Fear of heights, insanity. Obstinate. Feels worse in cold, wet weather and from exertion. Obese patient with soft round face.

Cinchona (China): Impotence or morbid desire with lascivious fancies. Frequent emissions followed by weakness. Swelling of testicles and spermatic cord.
Weakness from any discharge. Loss of vital fluids. Insomnia from fantasies. Builds castles in the air. Irritable and touchy. Anemic. Flatulent colic.

Conium: Testicles hard and enlarged. Bad effects of suppressed sexual desire. Feeble erections. dribbling of prostatic fluid. Sexual desire increased, sexual power decreased. Imperfect erections and of short duration. Seminal emission at mere presence of a woman. Dejection after sex. Sexual desire without erections. Premature ejaculation, even during foreplay.
Emotionally closed men. Brain fag.

Lycopodium: Impotence, especially with wife. Premature ejaculation. Sexual promiscuity and adultery. Impotence in old men. Feeble erections. Falls asleep during sex. Enlarged prostate.
Patient feels worse in the afternoon (4 PM to 8 PM). Full of gas and bloated abdomen. Low confidence. Poor self esteem. Bullies those 'below' him, servile to those 'above' him. Cowardly.

Medorrhinum: Sex drive extreme. Nymphomania. Satyriasis. Masturbation (even in young children). Extreme sexual behaviour, incest or group sex. Impotence. Weakness after emission. Emissions at night, followed by weakness.
Passionate people. Want to experience everything. aggressive. Cruel to animals. Better at seaside, in the evening and at night. "Rock-n-roll generation" mentality.

Nux Vomica: Strong sexual desire. promiscuous. Rectal spasm during orgasm. Penis relaxes during embrace. Bad effects of sexual excesses. Cannot be in female company without emission.
Ambitious men. Irritable. Worse early morning cold air. Angry at contradiction. Frequent urgings for stool without stool (or with little stool). Fatigue from overwork.

Phosphorus: Irresistible sexual desire but impotent. Involuntary emissions with lascivious dreams. Lascivious, strips off clothes. Sexual mania. Feeble erections or no erections.
Fears about the future. Fears thunderstorms. Excitable. Impressionable. Wants sympathy. Oversensitive to external impressions. Gullible. Clairvoyant. Craves cold, iced drinks, salt, chocolates.

Selenium: Sexual weakness. Dribbling of semen during sleep. Irritable after sex. Lascivious but impotent. Increased desire, decreased ability. Penis relaxes during sex. Semen watery, odorless. Chronic gleet.

Sepia: Offensive sweat on scrotum. genital cold. Gleet. Low sexual desire. Feels lousy after intercourse.
Patients uninterested and indifferent to everything. Hates company. Likes to be alone. Mental dullness. Sarcastic. Indifferent to family. Feels lousy at 2 PM to 4 PM or between 3PM to 5PM.

Sulphur: oOgans cold, relaxed. Backache and weakness of limbs after sex with sadness and irritability. Penis cold.
Philosophical, theorising men. Very selfish. Imagines himself to be a great man. Hot patient. Has early morning diarrhoea.

1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy

Rape victims and Homeopathy

Rape is horrible. Even if the offender is given the harshest punishment under law, it does nothing to ease the chronic suffering the victim has to endure. It leaves deep scars, if left untreated amy develop into pathology, both mental and physical. The patient needs support and more importantly, unconditional love. In today's materialistic, selfish world love is a scarce commodity. Homeopathy is very useful for such victims to not to only erase the deep mental scars the act inflicts, but of doing it gently without any side effects.

Given below are some Homeopathic remedies that work wonders on victims of rape.

Aconite: This remedy must be given as soon as possible after the incident in high potency. It will ameliorate the sense of shock, the victim inevitable experiences in the immediate aftermath. Aconite may also be needed later if the patient experiences panic attacks and develops deep phobias.

Arnica: When delirious, the patient says she is well and sends the doctor away. Arnica is useful for injuries, contusions and blows suffered. It helps cure the long term trauma. The patient has a bruised sensation. Everything feels hard.

Carcinosin: The chief remedy for the ill-effects, both mental and physical, of rape. It helps dealing with emotional suppression and guilt feelings the victim may experience. Loves dancing and singing. Loves thunderstorms. Feels worse in the afternoon (1 PM to 6 PM) and at late night (2 AM to 4 AM). Especially indicated if the patient has a history (personal or in the family) of cancer and diabetes. Dark, sultry complexion with many moles.

Ignatia: This remedy helps in the immediate aftermath to deal with the grief and depression. The patient sighs and weeps. Cannot sleep. It eases the sense of frustration. Patient hates the smell of tobacco. Has a sense of internal conflict. Oversensitive and nervous. Later the remedy may be given whenever the patient feels depressed.

Natrum Mur: It helps deal with the long term grief. Patient likes to be alone. Dislikes consolation. Very sensitive. Loves salty food. Feels ravenously hungry at 10 AM and feels faint if does not eat anything. Feels hot all the time. Worse (may be a headache) in sunlight.

Opium: Victims of rape react differently to the act. Some of them go into a state of stupor. Here Opium is useful. Feels no pain. Deep sleep with heavy breathing. Sweaty skin. Placid. But has spells of delirium. Becomes talkative, gay, rash. Feels bold. Tells lies. Deceptive.

Staphysagria: This remedy helps in dealing with the sense of humiliation, deep guilt and shame that the rape victim feels. Is very sensitive to what others say about her. Helps deal with the suppressed anger. Has sudden violent outbursts of anger. Throws things away.

1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison
2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy


The Rape Recovery Handbook: Step-By-Step Help for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse Workbook: Practical Exercises For Working On Problems Resulting From Childhood Abuse

Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rape Victims: A Treatment Manual (Interpersonal Violence: The Practice Series)

Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD

Breast cancer and Homeopathy

"Do not dwell upon the cancer for it is not cancer that you are treating but the patient"
- J T KENT, Great American Homeopath of the early twentieth century.

Cancer is a disease that defies Modern medicine. Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers which afflict women the world over. Homeopathy steps in with hope and assurance into the picture. It is capable of curing many cases of breast cancers, while it palliates others and eases the pain and extends life.

Radiation treatment does more harm than good. Surgery is not the answer as removing a cancerous tumor does not remove the cancerous tendency in the patient. The cancer then spreads to other organs. it is called metastasis.

Homeopathy works well as it treats the cancer patient as an individual. The approach is holistic and removes the tendency to cancer.

Given below are some of the most effective remedies used to create breast cancer

Asterias: Ulcerative stage of cancer. Dull pain in nerves around the breast and arm. Acute sharp pains at night. Nodes and indurations of breast glands. Nipples retracted. Breasts swell, worse left. Left breast feels as if pulled inwards; the pain extends from arm to tip of little finger. Numbness of left hand and fingers.
This remedy not only palliates but has brought about radical cure in many cases. Generally indicated in cancer of left breast.

Bufo Rana: Breasts hardened. Bloody oozing from nipples. Bloody milk. Violent pains in breast, worse at night. Sharp dagger like pains worse on walking or sitting too long. Redness and swelling along course of lymphatics.
Bufo patients are generally mentally retarded people. Unrefined, coarse. Stupid expression. Sensuous lips. Masturbate often. Love pornography.

Carbo Animalis: Last stage of breast cancer. Darting pains in breasts. Painful induration (hardenings) especially of right breast, while nursing with difficult breathing. Hard painful nodes in breast. Patient avoids conversation. Nightly sweat of the thighs only. Low spirited and despondent. Dislikes cold. Feel worse by cold. Swollen lymphatic glands. Great weakness, especially during menses.

Conium: Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses. Wants to press breasts hard with hand. Breast cancer with hard tumor. Tumors form after injury. Breast lax and shrunken without any sexual desire.
Tumors of suspicious nature in the mamae have been caused to disappear by the use of Conium - Dewey
Conium women are emotionally closed and hard. feel tired mentally. Feel lousy when sexual desire is suppressed. Worse from celibacy. Vertigo. Hates light. Eyes water in bright light. Advancing weakness ends in paralysis. Find it difficult rising from squatting.

Cundorango: Several swellings (sized pigeon's to hen's eggs) around nipples. Sometimes pus from breasts. Glands under armpits swollen. Nipples retracted. Tumors hard and painful, immovable with severe and lancinating pains.

Graphites: Breasts swollen and hard. Cancer of breasts from old scars. Nipples sore, cracked and blistered.
Graphites woman are of a simple, unrefined nature. Slow thinkers. Weep on listening to music. Obese patients. Love to eat chicken. hate sweets. may have stomach ulcers. Better from eating or drinking milk. Deformed nails. Unhealthy thick skin with cracks.

Mercurius: Breasts swollen. Breasts harden with pain (as from ulcer) during menses. Milk spoiled. Breasts painful and full of milk during menses. Mercurius is one of the best palliatives in breast cancer. It sometimes cures.
Mercurius women are closed and suspicious. Feel worse at night. Feel worse with extremes of temperature. Feels lousy when sweating. Sweat at night. Metallic taste in mouth. Much salivation at night in bed. Loves bread and butter. Hates sweets. Hands tremble when they eat or write.

Phytolacca: Heavy stony hard swollen, tender breasts. Pain during nursing spreads all over body. breast is hard, painful and of purple color. Pus from breast. cracks and small ulcers around nipples. Bloody watery discharges. Hard nodes in breasts with enlarged armpit glands. Old scars in breasts. Breasts full of small painful nodosities. Pain in the sacrum to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum. jerks here and there after confinement.
Phytolacca patients are worse from cold and damp. Toothache better on clenching jaws. Throat pain better by cold drink, worse warm drinks.

Silicea: Hard lumps in breast. Itching. Nipples very sore with ulcers. Nipple retracted like a funnel. Fistula in breasts. Sharp pain in breast and uterus.
Silicea patients are refined, yielding, delicate. Lack of self confidence. Has stage frights. Obstinate. Hates noise. Worse in cold weather. feels weak. frequent colds. Sour sweat. Constipation with no urging. Hates fatty food and milk. Ingrowing toenails. Abscesses form easily in body.

1. Cause, care and cure of Cancer by J Benedict D'Castro (B Jain publishers, New Delhi, India)
2. Homeopathy Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy
3. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by Roger Morrison

Hepatitis B (chronic hepatitis) cured by Homeopathy


Hepatitis B is a growing problem worldwide. Modern medicine has little to offer by way of cure and quacks with their herbal powders dupe the patients. Homeopathy is very effective in curing this ailment.

Here are some of the most effective remedies to cure this ailment. Given below are rudimentary details of each remedy. I always say that to learn Homeopathy, one has to read constantly. More you read, better will Homeoapthy benefit you.


Carduus Marianus: Varices (swollen veins) of oesophagus and lower extremities. Pain in liver when lying on left side. Pain in abdomen or liver on deep breathing or or by motion. Tongue coated white in the middle, but red on the sides and tip. Ascites. Piles. Stools like clay. Ulcers in veins of legs.

Lycopodium: Temperament- low self esteem and confidence. Bullies others who are 'weaker' than him. Dictator at home, obsequious in society. Depressed. Cries when thanked. Sometimes becomes sentimental and weeps. promiscuous.
Other indications- Feels lousy between 4 PM and 8 PM. Feels awful on waking in the morning. Feels better in the evening or at midnight. Hates to miss a meal. Hates fasting. Better in open air. Loves sweets. Hates cold drinks and food. Bloated abdomen, feels better on eructations or farting. Feels famished at night. Sour belching. Impotent, specially with wife. Premature ejaculation. Feet smells offensive. Likes to sleep on right side.

Natrum Sulph: Serious and closed people. Longs to kill himself/ herself by hanging or by shooting himself/herself. Cries when listening to music. History of grief. Becomes dull after head injury. Feels cheerful after stool. Feels lousy in damp weather. Hates light during headache. Loves yogurt. Diarrhoea in the morning after rising. Sudden urges for stool. Diarrhoea with lot of gas. Growths on genitalia or below anal region.

Phosphorus: Hates solitude. Fears to be alone. Afraid of darkness, death, thunderstorms. Apprehensive that something bad will happen. Sympathetic. Gullible. Clairvoyant. Feels worse by fasting. Feels lousy on lying on left side. Feels lousy after eating salty and spicy food. Feels awful at twilight. Bleeds easily, especially after dental operations. Voice becomes hoarse often. Loses voice often. Peptic ulcer. Feels hungry all the time. Hungry during headache. Loves chocolates, ice cream, rice, milk, wine, salty and spicy food. Hates sweets. Thirst for cold water. High sex drive. Catches colds easily. Cannot sleep on left side. feels great after sleep.

Natrum Mur: Very serious. Loners. Silent grief. Unexpressed grief. Cannot weep even when feeling very sad. Hates company. Easily offended. Very sensitive. Depressed. Sometimes weeps hysterically. Loves to think of wrongs suffered in the past. Claustrophobic. Feels lousy in sunlight. Feels lousy in the morning. Headaches caused by sunlight or on reading. Headaches between 10 AM and 3 PM. Loves salty food. Loves sour stuff. Hates fatty, rich foods. Hates chicken. Unable to urinate when some one is around.

Nux Vomica: Ambitious people. Impatient. Gets very angry when contradicted. Breaks things when angry or frustrated. Chilly folks, feel better by warmth. Overworks. Loves fatty, spicy food. Loves coffee and alcohol. Has stomach pain when angry or when wears tight clothes. Constipation with frequent urgings. Wakes at 4 in the morning and thinks of his business.

Arnica: Feels lousy after exertion. Has a "bruised' sensation. Feels as if beaten. Bed feels hard. Says he is well and sends the doctor away even when seriously ill.

Belladonna: Very scared of dogs. Many hallucinations. Feels lousy in the afternoon, especially at 3 PM. Hates motion of any kind. Pains ease on pressing hard. Frequent headaches, especially at 3 PM. Loves lemonade. Transverse colon swollen like a pad and sore. Cold hand sand feet, but face is hot. Likes to sleep on abdomen. Dreams of falling.

Carcinosin: Passionate people who over exert themselves. Loves to travel. Loves to dance. Loves music. Loves thunderstorms. Sympathetic. Long personal history of oppression (domination by others) and continued grief. History of cancer in family. Dark or dusky complexion with many moles. Loves fatty and salty food. Feels lousy in the afternoon (1 PM to 6PM). Feels lousy between 2 AM and 4 AM at night.

Cornus Circinate: Chronic malaria. Stools dark and liquid.

Lachesis: Passionate people. Jealous and very envious. Very talkative. Nurses deep hatred and longs for revenge. Sarcastic. Hates heat. Feels awful after sleep. Difficulty in swallowing liquids and saliva. Hates tight collars. Sexually active folks. Frequent nightmares. Sleeps on the right side.

Magnesium Mur: Hates quarrels. Passive people. Feel anxious at night in bed. Feels lousy on lying down. Feels awful on waking in the morning. Diarrhoea after drinking milk. Loves vegetables and fruits.

Nitric Acid: Very worried about health. Fear of cancer and death. Hard people. Holds grudges. Depressed. Cursing. Abusive. Chilly people. Loves fatty and salty food. Painful piles after stool. Warts in the rectum. Warts on the genitalia. Urine smells like horse's urine. Cracks on bends of joints.

Psorinum: Very pessimistic. Fears poverty, caner, failure and the future. Suicidal. Restless at night. very chilly folks. feels lousy in open air and before a storm. Feels lousy on fasting. Offensive odour from body, even after bathing. Feels great the day before falling ill. Tremendous itching. Worse at night.

Sulphur: Egoistic. Boaster. lazy. Dirty. Extroverted. Intellectual. Theorizing. Hates warmth, sticks feet out of covers at night in bed. Feels lousy at 11 AM. Burning pains. Loves sweets and chocolates. Craves ice cream, fatty food, spicy food, alcohol. hates eggs. Big appetite. Thirst for ice cold drinks. Diarrhoea in the morning. Suffers from hemorrhoids. Lots of skin problems.

1. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms by ROGER MORRISON
2. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by ROBIN MURPHY

An interview with a Homeopath

In the field of homoeopathy, Dr. Renu Paul is a very famous doctor of Kanpur. She is the President of the Women’s Homoeopathic Organisation in India, member of Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Life member of Asian Homoeopathic Medical League and National Academy of homoeopathy.

She has done her Bachelors in Medical and Surgery from Kanpur, Post Graduate course in Rehabilitation (Bombay) and Multidisciplinary training in Emergency cases (U.S.A). Her qualifications itself show her popularity and success in her field. With her hard work, sincerity and dedication, she has become famous. Her clinic has a consultation chamber with tools like Compaq computer, compatible repertory and a phone with magnifying headset.

Q: What is homoeopathy?

A-Homeopathy is an alternative method of treatment based on the nature’s law of cure namely “Like cures like”. It is a gentle and effective system of medicine.

Q-How is it different from other medicine sciences?

A-It is a natural medical science and does not treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms, but heals the patients from within.

Q-Why should Homoeopathy be the choice of therapy?

RP-Homoeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method. It is a permanent cure treating from its roots for most of the ailment.

Q-What concepts are important to you in your practice of homoeopathy?

RP-‘Do not harm’, avoidance of suppression are important concepts. My concern is always the long term well being of the individual. I try to help people to raise their level of health naturally.

Q-How are homoeopathic medicines prepared?

RP-Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from natural sources such as vegetables, animals, minerals, chemicals etc. Potentization is a special mode of preparation. The end result contains dynamic curative power of the substance. The magic of minimum dose in the form of sweet pills is non toxic, harmless, safe and sure cure.

Q-What does homoeopathy mean to you?

RP-Homoeopathy means a great deal to me. It is my life’s work, my identity, my source of income and health insurance for myself and my family and my patients.

Q-How do you cure your patients?

RP-My treatment is very different. It is time consuming. During consultation, I ask my patients great many questions about their health problem, their physical and emotional history, their habit and the circumstance of their life. I maintain their records on my computer and graph their condition so that I can pick an approximate remedy out of 3000 remedies available . All this is done in the privacy of my chamber.

Q-Are patients hesitant while answering your questions?

RP-If their personal information is difficult or upsetting to relate, they are hesitant but I convince them.

Q-How much do you charge?

RP-The initial fee to my patient is Rs. 250 just for chronic case taking and Rs. 150 for acute case taking.

Q-Is it true that with homoeopathy, you have to get worse before you get better?

RP-Sometimes the patients feel aggravated, but it is temporary and the doctors understand it and change the frequency of the remedy.

Q-How long does homoeopathy take to change the level of health?

RP-That varies greatly, but within forty eight hours, the changes are visible.

Q-Do you send people to other doctors?

RP-I definitely recommend people to other practitioners when needed, if there is something that they need to have examined or tested in order to get a special diagnosis.

Q-Is it a substitute to Antibiotics?

RP-Yes, it is a better substitute to Antibiotics in infectious diseases like Bronchitis, Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Gastroenteritis etc producing no toxic effect and bringing rapid recovery.

Q-Do you think it is ideal for children?

RP-It is very effective for infant children without any side effects, Diseases like cold, fever, cough, vomiting , Diarrhoea, bronchitis, allergies , mumps, chicken pox are quickly treated. It is child friendly medicine

Q-How challenging has homoeopathy become?

RP-Homoeopathy works curatively and cn avoid surgery. Nowadays there are number of diseases like Tonsilitis, piles, kidney stones, cysts and appendicitis etc which are labelled as surgical but homoeopathy can cure it without surgery. It is sure cure for diseases like bronchitis, diabetes, arthritis and other chronic diseases.

Q-What are recent developments and future projects in your field?

RP-Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine. It is not limited to contain diseases but is universally applicable to all kinds of diseases ranging from cold to cancer, AIDS, bird flu etc. I believe that in near future, homoeopathic treatment could be a blessing to ailing humanity.


Magical Homeopathy: Mania and trembling cured on mentals alone!

The other day an old woman visited me. Chronic rheumatism patient. She had her prolapsed uterus removed surgically fifteen years before. The arthritis started after that. Five years ago she had a bad bout of pneumonia. Three years back she had developed tuberculosis, which was treated by allopathic drugs. She also has blood pressure problems ( metasis of rheumatism to the heart).

But the ailment she had come to be treated was that she suffered from internal trembling at night. During the tremors, she feels very excited and was fearful of death. She used to shout at her family then. During the tremors she used to become another person. Her family said she appeared insane then.

It was clear it was the syphilis miasm. Her problem arose at night only. I looked up "internal trembling" in the nerves chapter of Robin Murphy repertory. But none of the remedies seemed to fit. I tried causticum, but it only palliated.

It was the Murphy repertory which gave me the first clue. Under mania, syphilitic there are only two remedies, syphilinum and Kali Iodatum. I gave syphilinum first because it is a remedy when rheumatism attacks the nervous system.

It helped but the lady was not cured.

Then Kent came to my help. In his lectures on the Materia Medica, he says on Kali Iod, "There is a very strong degree of irritability, cruelty, and harshness of temper. He is harsh with his family and with his children; abusive. It will take all the sense of refinement out of his mind and then he will become sad and tearful."

The description fitted my patient's mentals like a glove!

I gave her Kali Iodatum. She reports her nocturnal agonies have ceased.

Kali Iod is not mentioned in "trembling, internal" in the repertory!

Rajan Sankaran, thank you!


How homoeopathy cures mania, melancholia and madness

Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies

Puerperal mania
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Useful DVDs On Homeopathy

Featuring interviews with experts in the U.S., England, France and Germany, this comprehensive documentary looks at the origins, principles, and modern practice of the alternative and holistic form of medicine known as homeopathy. Two centuries ago, German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed this system of medicine, treating his patients with specialized, minute doses of natural substances intended to increase the body's own inherent defenses. Hahnemann’s methods had amazing results – during the deadly 1832 cholera epidemic that swept through Europe, homeopaths claimed a 97% cure rate.

As Hahnemann's body of knowledge increased, so did his following, although traditional physicians ridiculed his work, and homeopathy spread throughout the world. Today, homeopathic practitioners, physicians and veterinarians continue to successfully treat patients for a wide range of physical and mental illnesses, using ideas and remedies published by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body to defend and heal itself. Modern clinical trials have proven homeopathy to be safe and effective in a wide variety of non life-threatening conditions. But the processes by which these tiny doses of natural substances are able to cure remains, for many, a mystery.

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