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British actor with cancer benefits from homeopathy
A British TV star has told how he flew to Dubai for alternative treatment for cancer.
Simon MacCorkindale, who stars in BBC hospital drama ‘Casualty’, was diagnosed with cancer three years ago.
In May 2006, MacCorkindale, 57, was given five years to live but he told the News of the World newspaper: “I’m going nowhere. I don’t think about a day when it comes to an end.”
MacCorkindale told how he is using a mix of different therapies and treatments to fight the cancer after it spread from his bowel to his lungs.
In January, he flew to Dubai for sessions with a Pranic healer, a system of ‘energy medicine’. He began using plant medicines, including herbs from the Amazon.
He also underwent a 12-week stint of intensive homeopathy mixed with low-dose chemo-therapy.
His regime seemed to work, as a scan showed the cancer growth had stopped.
Indian homoeopaths say without homeopathy Millenium 2020 goals impossible
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Gandhi University of Health Sciences Dr B T Rudresh.
For the third time, the All India Homeopathic Scientific Seminar was held in Bangalore on Sunday.
"Today, homeopathy is popular and practised in many countries," Dr Rudresh said.
"The chief minister has assured support for homeopathy in the next budget. And as a Knowledge commission member, I will also discuss on improving the status of homeopathy in the state," he explained.
Other topics discussed at the two-day seminar are role of homeopathy in childhood emergencies, ante-natal care, myths and facts about steroids, and community health.
Some homeopathy experts who participated are SPS Bakshi, president of Homeopathic Medical Association of India, and Veerabramhachary, president of Karnataka Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine.
Nearly 800 homeopathy students and faculty from across the country participated.
Cure and prevention of swine flu (H1N1) with homeopathy
Throughout history, homeopathic remedies have been used to treat many different strains of flu. Now many believe that homeopathy will treat this latest H1N1 strain of swine flu. "Based on the symptoms, homeopathy can offer an effective cure to swine flu," says Harcharanjeet Kaur, a homeopath at Bakson's Homeopathy Clinic. "Moreover, it does not have any side effects."
In 1918, homeopathic remedies were used to treat many victims of the Spanish flu, which killed over 50 million people. 28% of the people treated by western medicine died while only 1% of those treated with homeopathy did. "Gelsemium and Bryonia were the two homeopathic remedies that proved to be effective against the H1N1 strain back then," says Mukesh Batra, acclaimed homeopath in India. "These could be of great use even today."
Homeopathic Doctors in Mexico City studied the records from 1918 and determined the many similarities between the two pandemics. They successfully treated patients with swine flu in May of 2009.
This news comes at a time when the government is rolling out the latest H1N1 swine flu vaccine, touting the reasons to get the injection, and the media is using its typical scare tactics to get people to line up for the shot- which appears to be not only unnecessary, but also harmful. According to the CDC, "A vaccine, like any medicine, could possibly cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions."
Homeopaths agree that the vaccine is not the cure that the media makes it out to be. "The current vaccine against the seasonal influenza strain H1N1 is highly unlikely to provide protection against this variant," says homeopath Dr. Sulaikha Hamza. "In case preventive measures do not work or you are already dealing with swine influenza, homeopathic remedies can serve as an appropriate solution."
Osteo and rheumatoid arthritis cured by homoeopathy
What is osteo-arthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a disease characterized by degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint as well as bony overgrowth. The breakdown of these tissues eventually leads to pain and joint stiffness. The joints most commonly affected are the knees, hips, and those in the hands and spine. The specific causes of osteoarthritis are unknown, but are believed to be a result of both mechanical and molecular events in the affected joint. Disease onset is gradual and usually begins after the age of 40.
Symptoms of osteo-arthritis
* Pain, commonly in the hands, hips, knees, or feet, and sometimes in the spine. Pain usually is related to activity of the joint and is worse at the end of the day or after periods of activity. As the disease progresses, pain is present even during rest.
* Stiffness (lasting less than 1 hour) after periods of inactivity, such as in the morning after a night's sleep or after sitting for a long time.
* Limited joint motion.
* Tenderness and occasional swelling.
* Joint deformity (usually in later stages of osteoarthritis).
* Joint cracking or "creaking" (crepitus), often accompanied by pain. This creaking also may occur in a normal (nonarthritic) joint and is usually painless.
Osteoarthritis of the spine can also narrow the openings that make space for the spinal cord and for the nerves that branch off the spinal cord (spinal nerves). This is called spinal stenosis. It can lead to pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. This pressure can cause pain, weakness, or numbness.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis range from minor to severe. Symptoms may depend on which joints are involved. If your weight-bearing joints (such as hips and knees) are affected, it often results in more problems than if you have osteoarthritis in non-weight-bearing joints, such as your fingers.
Usually, osteoarthritis is limited to one set of joints, such as both knees. But osteoarthritis may affect more than one location in the body (for example, the knees and hands). Osteoarthritis usually only causes symptoms in one or more joints. Symptoms that affect the whole body, such as fever, weight loss, or rash, are not seen in osteoarthritis.
As osteoarthritis becomes more severe, symptoms may include a total loss of function in the affected joints.
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Arthritis is a general term that means inflammation in a joint. Joint inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain within the joint.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that typically occurs in joints on both sides of the body (such as hands, wrists, or knees). This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis.
In addition to affecting the joints, rheumatoid arthritis may occasionally affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves.
What Are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include:
* Joint pain and swelling
* Stiffness, especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods
* Fatigue
Rheumatoid arthritis affects everyone differently. For some, joint symptoms develop gradually over several years. In others, rheumatoid arthritis may progress rapidly and while other people may have rheumatoid arthritis for a limited period of time and then enter a period of remission.
Some homoeopathic remedies
Bryonia, recommends Ullman, to relieve joint pain and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis if the pain is aggravated by the smallest movements and gets worse from continued movement of affected part. There may be a great deal of swelling, inflammation and redness with pains in the joint.
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox) for pain that is worse when you first move the painful joint, and then gets better after continued movement. This is called the ‘rusty gate’ syndrome. Rhus Tox is indicated if rheumatoid arthritis pain is worse on the left side of the body rather than on the right. A person needing Rhus Tox, may feel stiffness in the joint which is aggravated by wet, cold weather. A warm heating pad or other warm application may be applied to the sore areas for soothing relief of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.Use Ruta Gravolens (Ruta) if arthritis pain involves tendons and ligaments around the joint as well as pain in the joint, recommends Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. in her book, “Homeopathic Medicine at Home”. Ruta is indicated for arthritis in if you experience tenderness and a feeling of weakness in the joint, as though the leg or arm might give out when you try to bear weight with it. Ruta is also indicated if your arthritis pain is made worse during damp, chilly weather.
Ruta Gravolens (Ruta) if arthritis pain involves tendons and ligaments around the joint as well as pain in the joint, recommends Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. in her book, “Homeopathic Medicine at Home”. Ruta is indicated for arthritis in if you experience tenderness and a feeling of weakness in the joint, as though the leg or arm might give out when you try to bear weight with it. Ruta is also indicated if your arthritis pain is made worse during damp, chilly weather.
Apply Arnica oil externally to help reduce swelling and bruising of the surrounding tissue of the knee after over exertion. Ullma tell us this often helps the swelling associated with arthritis when someone has overdone exercise, walking or other activities requiring exertion. Massage into the knee as needed.
Rhododendron for tearing pains in the joint from gouty arthritis and rheumatism. The pain is often worse during hot weather and is almost always aggravated before a thunderstorm. This remedy often helps people whose arthritis pain is felt more keenly on the right side of the body.
Nux Vomica, if you experience crackling in the joints and your arthritis pain is accompanied by aching and bruised feeling in and around the joint.
Buy each of these remedies from your local health food store or in FDA approved homeopathic online pharmacies so you have them on hand in case you need more than one. The dose for any of the above remedies is one pill dissolved under the tongue. It may be repeated if necessary every half hour until pain is relieved. Then do not repeat again unless pain resumes. If after taking 4 doses you do not experience relief, another remedy may be indicated.
Anemia and homoeopathy
Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. The normal level of hemoglobin is generally different in males and females. For men, anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin level of less than 13.5 gram/100ml and in women as hemoglobin of less than 12.0 gram/100ml. These definitions may vary slightly depending on the source and the laboratory reference used.
If a middle-aged housewife with a history of good health feels tired before she completes her household chores or feels a shortness of breath and sensation of dizziness or fainting; one of the likely causes of such symptoms would anaemia. Anaemia or a reduction in the red blood cells and haemoglobin concentration in the blood is a common problem the world over and more in country like ours due to various food habits, lack of nutrition etc.
Blood has a liquid component called plasma and the cellular component comprising red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. They all have their tasks cut out. If it is the white blood cells which do the policing by looking for harmful agents and acting as the defence mechanism and platelets ready to clump at any area that threatens to open the blood vessel due to injury. The red blood cells which carrythe lifeline of all functions of the metabolism by supplying oxygen all over the body from the lungs and promptly disposing carbon di oxide from the cells back into the lungs. All seems to be well but once there is a drop red blood cell counts and the haem or the iron concentration in the RBCs which is the active part of the job that is called as anaemia.
Once there is a drop in the cells below a certain concentration the body does not find the oxygen to get on with its job. The body does not seem to complain and finds a compensatory mechanism to go on but as the days progress they seem to express in some symptoms like shortness of breath, tiredness on little exertion or palpitation; an awareness of their own heartbeat.
Anaemia could be the result of a loss of the blood cells from the system or a deficient formation of these cells.
The loss of blood could occur due to excessive menstrual bleeding, injuries or bleeding from the stomach due to ulcers, cancer of the gastrointestinal tract etc. Lack of iron in the system due to insufficient intake or improper absorption leads to this condition. Vitamin B12 and Folate are other elements necessary which are either taken in lower amounts necessary or the stomach and intestines do not have the necessary factors to absorb them in appropriate amounts.
It could also be due to erythropoietin released by the kidney to coax the bone marrow cells to produces the RBCs may go deficient. Anaemia could occur during pregnancy too as the demands are higher than usual. Alcohol intake on a regular basis comes in the way of proper formation of blood cells as it impedes the absorption of necessary vitamins. Some of the less common causes could be due to the bone marrow being affected with certain ailments like thalassaemia, leukaemia, aplastic anaemia etc.
Importance of diet is utmost in anaemia as foods rich in iron like green, leafy vegetables is ideal. While Vitamin B12 and folate are plentily available for vegetarians in products, lentils (eg: ragu), legumes, beans, nuts, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, raisins, prunes and green leafy vegetables while nonvegetarians have a rich source in seafood, liver and marrow soup etc. To stop the cause of loss of bleeding is primary in treatment.
Remedies like Millefolium, Hamamellis, Merccor, Colocynth etc. help in such direction. Homoeopathic medicine has good remedies to address such issues even as there are some good remedies to improve the proper assimilation of the vital nutrients with help of remedies like Ferrumphos, Calcphos, China etc.
I have been having the condition of hypothyroidism and am under medication. But I still have swelling of the lower limbs, weight gain etc.
Sometimes there is inadequate uptake of the hormone from the circulation by the tissues needing it for metabolism wherein such deficiency could occur inspite of supplementation with some medicines. Homoeopathic remedies like Lycopodium, Iodum, Natrum mur are a few remedies which can help when the symptoms correspond. Consult a homoeopath.
I have been suffering with reflux problems with burning, belching, and heartburn. I have gone through many investigations and medication but the problem persists.
Lifestyle changes like having small meals at regular intervals, avoiding oily, spicy, rich food most of the time and avoiding going to bed within an hour of a meal is essential. Homoeopathic medicine has good remedies like China, Hydrastis, Merc sol, Mag carb to help you further.
Treating colds and flus with homoeopathic tissue salts
When you wake up sneezing, coughing, and have that achy, feverish, can't move a muscle feeling, how do you know whether you have cold symptoms or the flu? And if it's the flu, could it be swine flu?
It's important to know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. A cold is a milder respiratory illness than the flu. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days, flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks. The flu -- whether it's typical seasonal flu or the swine flu virus -- can also result in serious health problems such as pneumonia and hospitalizations.
What are the symptoms of the common cold?
Symptoms of the common cold include nasal stuffiness or drainage, sore or scratchy throat, sneezing, hoarseness, cough, and perhaps a fever and headache. Many people with a cold feel tired and achy. These symptoms will typically last anywhere from three to 10 days.
What are homoeopathic tissue remedies
Tissue salts, also known as cell salts, are minerals - the same minerals that are found in the earth`s rocks and soil. Gentle, safe and non-toxic, tissue salts can be bought in pill form from virtually any pharmacy or health store and can provide the help the body needs in order to fight colds and flu.
Tissue Salts Explained
Dr. Schuessler, a 19th century German physician, discovered that the twelve of the inorganic salts found in the human body have specific physiologic functions. In short, he maintained that the inorganic mineral substances that constitute our planet earth are the complete basis of the composition of our body`s bone and blood, organs and muscles and he found that a cell salt deficiency or imbalance generally resulted in loss of health.
"Tissue salts are found in our food, or should be, when grown organically in mineral-rich soil. Modern-day agricultural practice, however, has leached soil of its life-sustaining minerals and promoted instead chemical fertilizers". Margaret Roberts, Tissue Salts for Healthy Living
Tissue salts are made by grinding minerals in lactose over six attenuations, a process called trituration. The result is a pill that is easily absorbed, containing a minute amount of a specific mineral salt.
Best Tissue Salts for Colds
To relieve the congestion, headaches and general symptoms of a common head cold, dissolve 2 each of the following tissue salts under the tongue and hourly thereafter until symptoms subside.
Ferrum Phos tablets (tissue salt no.4) to treat throbbing headaches, congestion, sore throat, runny nose and coughs.
Kali Mur (no. 5) to treat wheezing, aches, sinusitis, frequent common colds.
Kali Sulph (no. 7) to relieve symptoms of blocked nose and a sinus headache.
Best Tissue Salts for Flu
In addition to the above tissue salts, add the same dosage of Silica (tissue salt no. 12) to help heal infections and frequent bouts of flu.
If deciding to take tissue salts, it is not necessary to consult a homeopathic professional unless conditions are chronic, such as recurring throat infections or a history of worsening health problems. If a sick individual is already taking a remedy prescribed by a homeopath, however, taking another remedy out of sequence might interfere with or slow down treatment, according to qualified homeopathic practitioner, Joan Macdonald.
Food Sources for the above Tissue Salts
Herbs and foods containing Ferrum Phos include celery, horseradish, spinach, lentils, radishes, onions, walnuts, strawberries, apples, lettuce and nettle tops.
Herbs and foods that contain Kali Mur include yarrow, ginger, fennel, basil, borage and sage, green beans, carrots, beetroot, cauliflower, asparagus, peaches, apricots, pineapples lemons and plums.
Herbs and foods that contain Kali Sulph include watercress, parsley, linseed, mustard, melissa, oats, lettuce, endives, chicory, almonds, rye and wholegrain bread.
Herbs and foods rich in Silica include dandelion, horsetail, comfrey, maize, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice, soya beans, oranges, guavas and pomegranates.
Treating diabetes with homoeopathy
What is diabetes?
Diabetes affects the body's ability to use blood sugar for energy. The main types include type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes insipidus, a rare disorder, is not related to diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes). Diabetes symptoms may include increased thirst and urination, blurred vision, and fatigue.
It is unfortunate that most of diabetics think insulin is the medicine to cure diabetes. The fact is that insulin is the only management of the case. It is the substitute to replace the insulin deficiency in the body. Similarly various diet restrictions also are the complementary substances to mange diabetes. But what about cure? Cure I mean the stage of life where the patient will not take anti diabetes medicine any more and still live a healthy life. We see a patient of diabetes is put under medication first then after some days we find that he has to replace medicine with low doses of insulin injection. After few more days the insulin doses are still increased. Some time later we see that the patient has developed diabetes cataract, diabetes foot etc. This is not at all the cure. Though we have prepared diabetes sweets to diabetes shoes but these are only for the management of the case. Why are not we thinking of cure?
In homeopathy we have a very promising approach to cure diabetes. Here the approach sounds very peculiar and it needs a lot of sincerity from the homoeopath to prescribe the remedy. In homeopathy the remedies are not generalised, rather individualised. For each and every individual the remedy is different. Homeopathy treats the patient but not the disease. Let us see some examples.
Mr N, aged 60 is having Diabetes Mellitus (DM) since 10 years. Since then he feels thirst very often but he takes little water at a time. He also has hypertension.
Past medical history shows typhoid. Family medical history shows father- diabetes, Mother- Arthritis, Uncle (maternal) - asthma
All physical generalities like appetite, thirst, sweat, sleep etc. are normal.
In mental generalities we got some individualistic symptoms. They are-
- Unrealistic financial insecurity. Though he has a lot of wealth but feels as if something will happen and he will lose them.
- Physical insecurity. Always there is fear of ill health. Fear of cancer is mostly there. That is why he used to visit all possible number of doctors and consumes all possible varieties of remedies.
- Avarice. Though he is a wealthy person but while paying even medicine cost he is hesitant. Always puts a string on every expense.
- Fastidious. Everything he wants to know in detail.
Remedy selection- The above mental generalities clubbed with DM, hypertension, thirst for small quantity of water in small interval indicated the remedy ARSENICUM ALBUM.
Mrs A aged 55 has DM since 7 years. Often has gastric problem. Off let developed joint pain.
Past medical history shows nothing abnormal. Family medical history shows ,brother died of cancer, mother had arthritis.
All physical generalities were normal.
By nature very sweet speaking and having polite attitude. Whatever work her family members load on her shoulder she will do definitely.
On further enquiry the mental picture reflected as follows. After marriage she lived in the joint family of in-laws. The mother-in-law was very dominating. There was even no independence of eating and talking. Even a small mistake of her will bring severe criticism from mother-in-law that to in the form of a big shout and scolding. Though she used to feel angry internally but never allowed to express it. This situation continued for around 15 years. Prolonged suppression of anger reflected physically in the form of DM later.
This cause of suppressed anger resulting DM called for the remedy STAPHYSAGRIA.
Preventing caesarean operation delivery with homoeopathy
These days a majority of deliveries take place through the Cesarean section, but if an expectant mother starts taking homeopathy medicine a week before her delivery, then she can be saved from Cesarean. Revealing this, Dr Mohinder Singh Singh Gujral, Assistant Director Homeopathy, Punjab, said,”Keeping this in view, the Homeopathy department of the state government has started ‘Training of Trainers’ programme. In the first of its kind, this five-day programme started at Lord Mahavira Homeopathic Medical College in Ludhiana.”
Dr Gujral said,”This programme has been sponsored by the Central Government and a grant of Rs 5 lakh has been issued for the five-day training. It has been observed that more than 80 per cent deliveries are done by caesarean section. But if some medicines, which are quite safe are prescribed by a Homeopath, are given to the expectant mother 10-12 days before the delivery, she can be saved from caesarean section. We are imparting training to all the Homeopathic practitioners in Punjab. While practical training is being imparted by the gynaecologists of Dayanand Medical College and Hospital and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital.”
Indian Express
Homoeopathy vital during pregnancy
Homoeopathy offers a safe and effective method of treatment for many problems associated with pregnancy, provided that an experienced practitioner takes a detailed case history.
Is homoeopathy safe during pregnancy:
PREGNANCY IS AN EXCELLENT time to start using Homoeopathy. First because you cannot take modern medicine because of its side effect. But also because a mother-to-be is closer to nature, so her body will generally respond very well to treatment, which is based on the nature.
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared mainly from herbs, vegetable kingdom, minerals and are given in very minute doses so that they are 100% non-toxic, having no adverse effects whatsoever. Any toxic effects of a crude substance in nature disappear when that substance is prepared homeopathically. Also unlike antibiotics and other such medicines, homoeopathic pills do not hamper child’s growth in the uterus. They are also non-addictive and have no unwanted side effects during pregnancy, even for babies, children, and nursing mothers. Homoeopathy medicine is safe for the mother and child both.
As homoeopathic medicines are so diluted, their use in pregnancy is considered to be very safe. They are also safe to take alongside other medications.
Benefits of homoeopathy in pregnancy:
Homoeopathy makes the patient aware of himself. The more one is internally connected the more energy she’ll have for the process of labor. She will be able to access energy that she didn’t know she had. It can be an entirely empowering experience.
During pregnancy, woman is more close to herself. Her state during pregnancy gets intensified. What I mean by this is that her emotions are at the peak, which helps the homoeopath to find the right medicine. Homoeopath tries to understand this state by understanding the emotions she has during pregnancy, her feeling and reaction to different situation. Her dreams during pregnancy changes. Homoeopath also tries to understand the stress during pregnancy, her relation with other members in the house, which helps us to understand her better. She has some peculiar food desires and aversion, which she develops during pregnancy only. She has some physical symptoms during pregnancy, which also shows some peculiarity. An extra demand of pregnancy causes intensifies the woman’s state, which in turn brings out the exact state of her. If a Homoeopath understand this state, it becomes easy for him to treat the pregnant woman, and the child later on. We believe that the remedy required by the child is very close to the mother’s state during pregnancy.
By understanding all this we try to give a medicine, which will bring the balance in the mothers state, which in turn helps to take care of her physical problems, emotional problems. Her energy level improves; her way of dealing with stress improves. She will be more calm and focused. All this in turn helps the normal growth of the child. Her fears during pregnancy decreases, her stress decreases, in a way she experiences the complete sense of well-being and harmony.
Stress And Pregnancy:
Pregnancy is a special time for a woman and her family. It is a time of many changes in a pregnant woman's body, in her emotions, in her actions, and in the life of her family. These all changes bring the extra stress on her and within her.
Stress, however, does not have to be all-bad. When managed properly, stress can provide us with the drive to meet new challenges. A pregnant woman (or anyone else) who feels she is coping well with stress feeling energized, rather than drained, and functioning well at home and work probably does not face health risks from this stress.
However, when stress builds up to an uncomfortable level, it can be harmful for the pregnant women. In the short term, a high level of stress can cause fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, poor appetite or overeating, headaches and backaches. When a high level of stress continues for a long period, it can contribute to potentially serious health problems, such as lowered resistance to infectious diseases, high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies also suggest that high levels of stress may pose special risks during pregnancy.
Stress can also cause pregnancy-related discomforts (such as nausea, fatigue, frequent urination, swelling and backache). Hormonal changes may be partly responsible for the mood swings experienced during pregnancy. In addition, many pregnant women and their partners worry about the health of their baby, their ability to cope with labor and delivery, and their ability to become good parents. Added financial responsibilities are another common source of stress, especially if the parents anticipate a reduction in income whether brief or long-term after the baby is born. All of these worries can be magnified if there is a high-risk pregnancy. Numbers of studies have suggested that high levels of stress may increase the risk of preterm labor and low birth weight of baby.
Each of them finds different tasks or situations stressful. A task that one woman finds enjoyable can be highly stressful to another. Each of us also reacts differently to an event we perceive as stressful. There appears to be distinct differences in how our bodies respond to stress, and some of these differences may have an impact on pregnancy.
Homoeopathy can tackle all such stresses during pregnancy by understanding the individualistic features of each woman. Homoeopathy tries to bring a balance between mind and body, which in turn helps her child to grow better. Aim of Homoeopathy is to stimulate woman’s own curative power, so that her mind and body can deal with stress without getting affected by it.
As the patient experiences the benefits of Homoeopathic treatment, patient is likely to experience more energy, to have a clearer mind, a sharper memory, and more balance emotions. Woman feels like going through the experience of pregnancy. Many patients say, “I feel like myself again. She feels less dependent on others, feels stronger and more balanced.
Fear During Labour and Homoeopathy:
Fear of labour is very common in 90% of the pregnant women. Possible cause for the fear that awakens during pregnancy is the past events associated with pain, such as trauma of previous difficult labour, a traumatic abortion or painful manstruation cycles. This fear of labour sets up a barrier against achieving the calm and relaxed state required for the birth of the child. This fear of labour can influence the course of the labour. Homoeopathy can cure the root cause of the fear, thus allowing the normal course of the labour. What a Homoeopath does is try to understand the root cause of the fear, by understanding the state of pregnant woman during that time.
Many times there is an irregular contraction of the uterus because of the fear associated with it or there may be no contraction because of the fear. Homoeopathy can cure both this condition very well.
Bedsores and boils treated with homoeopathy
What are bedsores?
Pressure sores are areas of damaged skin caused by staying in one position for too long. They commonly form where your bones are close to your skin, such as your ankles, back, elbows, heels and hips. You are at risk if you are bedridden, use a wheelchair, or are unable to change your position. Pressure sores can cause serious infections, some of which are life-threatening. They can be a problem for people in nursing homes.
You can prevent the sores by
- Keeping skin clean and dry
- Changing position every two hours
- Using pillows and products that relieve pressure
Patients of mine who regularly take the silica/calcium fluoride supplement comment on how their skin feels more resilient. It is also a brilliant wound healer. If you wish to complete a mineral questionnaire to ascertain which minerals would be specifically indicated for you , you can find this on this website in the 'about' section.
Zinc and vitamin A are also vital nutrients for wound healing. Vitamin C assists with collagen synthesis and repair. Should the skin break down, such as a pressure sore, Hypercal lotion by Weleda makes a speedy recovery, or Kiwiherb Calendula ointment.
Alternate position regularly, and try to get fresh air to the site. Check for circulation, that extremities are warm, if limbs become cold and numb, he may accidentally tear the skin. To promote circulation, eat plenty of ginger and chilli. Chopped ginger in a teapot makes a pleasant beverage, which is also good for digestion.
A nutritious diet rich in essential fatty acids is also worthwhile – fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil etc. Lots of vegetables, rich in colour, provide antioxidants to protect and repair cells.
Staphylococcus aureus is a constituent of the pus associated with boils and may also cause boils. It is extremely contagious and it best treated with antibiotics. However, there are naturopathic ways to get past this recurring cycle. Herbal medicine of echinacea, goldenseal and burdock are effective means to improving your own immune system and purifying the blood. Try the herbal Skin Tonic available on this website or see your registered medical herbalist (MNZAMH) or naturopath. After taking a few months supply of these, you will need less antibiotics and the herbs should address the problem.
Eat foods naturally rich in antioxidants and minerals such as parsley, mesculin salad and beetroot.
Studies have found that people experiencing boils are often deficient in zinc. Take zinc and vitamin A to promote healthy wound healing and reduce scar formation.
Topical application of tea tree or manuka oil can reduce a boil. Remember to dilute the oil by 10 per cent to avoid a skin burn.
Poultices of ground linseed or ground fenugreek seeds mixed with boiling water have been traditionally used to draw a boil to a head.
I have treated boils with homoeopathic silica 30c which will drive a boil out to the surface and heal up beautifully afterwards. I would recommend that you see a homoeopath for supervision in this circumstance.
Cure of depression with homoeopathy
How to recognise depression?
Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. Symptoms can include
* Sadness
* Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
* Change in weight
* Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
* Energy loss
* Feelings of worthlessness
* Thoughts of death or suicide
WHAT IS DEPRESSION --- It is a disorder of mood. Change in mind & conductive expression one called mood . When certain chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, nor epinephrine, and dopamine are out of balance, depression can occur.
CAUSE OF DEPRESSION --- The cause of depression are
Disease –diseases like typhoid, influenza change the mood. A sunny & playful boy after a disease turn into cross, impatient & a fretful one. Similarly grief,fright, anger, disappointment also change mood & people become moody & lose there emotional & behavioral balance.
Hereditary—Imbalance in the nervous system in parents is the cause of moody children .The frustration & disappointment of mother is expressed by the dirty habits of children refer to the family tree.
Environment—Also play an important part in the changing mood.
Chemicals – The chemical drugs disturb the balance of mineral equivalent is thrown out violently through such drugs.Chemical drugs have a tendency to irritate the constitution &disturb the balance of secretion causing faulty nutrition.
Hormonal imbalance—It is also a cause of changing mood .Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal &other glandular discrepancies arise which turn a good man into a moody one.
Other cause of depression are----
Financial Problem
Job or Study problem
Family problem
Relationship problem
Sexual problem
Physical weakness
Hopeless & Helpless
Loss of interest in daily activity
Feeling of loneliness
Decrees concentration
Anger in little things
Loss of sleep or excessive sleep
Feeling of guilty
Cry when alone
Excessive or loss of thirst & hunger
Want to live alone
Suicidal thinking
Concentration problem
HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT--- In homoeopathy there are lots of medicine for depression & we cure the cause not the disease.& selection of medicine is depends on the cause. so please avoid self medication .
ACID-PHOS ---Depression is occurring due to love affection. Effects of grief and mental shock. Mentally tired or worried. Homesickness; shows no interest in anything
NATRUM- MUR -- Psychic causes of disease, ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. Irritable .Wants to be alone to cry.Depression due to financial problem. sad and hopeless about the future.
IGNATIA AMARA—Bad effect of grief and worry. Changeable mood sad, tearful. Loss of sleep (Insomnia) from grief. Easily excited nature.
NUX VOMICA--Very irritable ,cannot bear noises, odors,& light. Time passes too slowly. Irritable due to job or study. Nervousness with constipation.Cannot sleep after 3 am. Oversensitive.
STAPHYSAGRIA-- Ill effects of anger and insults. Very sensitive as to what others say about her. Depression due to masturbation or sexual excesses..Spermatorrhœa, with sunken features. Nervous & irritable.
CONIUM MACULATUM-- -Excitement causes mental depression. Averse to society, and afraid of being alone. No inclination for business or study; takes no interest in anything. Memory weak, unable to sustain any mental effort. Sexual debility. Ill effects of suppressed sexual desire.
AMBRA GRISEA—Hypersensitive, nervous . Dread of people, and desire to be alone. Music causes weeping. Despair, loathing of life. Loss of love of life. Fantastic illusions. Anxious dreams.
ZINCUM METALLICUM-- Weak memory. Very sensitive to noise.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM -- Mentally and physically loss of control. Thinks his understanding will and must fail. Fearful and nervous. Fears and anxieties and hidden irrational motives for actions. Sleepless,from fancies before his imagination; horrible dreams of snakes, and of sexual gratification. Drowsy stupor. Fear of exam .Depression of students
AURUM METALLICUM -- Hopeless, despondent, and great desire to commit suicide. Great fear of death. Sleepless. Sobs aloud in sleep. Frightful dreams.
ARSENICUM ALBUM-- Great fear of death. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Hallucinations of smell and sight. fear of being alone, See ghosts. Strong suicidal tendencies.
Homoeopathic Remedies used for H1N1 in Canada
Janice, 35, came in to see me regarding prevention and treatment of the flu for her and her family.
She was trying to gather more information before she made the decision to get the H1N1 vaccine and or have her children receive it. She asked how homeopathic remedies could help.
I had recently returned from Montreal, where I learned that a homeopathic physician Dr. G. Bracho had given a lecture on homeoprophylaxis which is the use of homeopathic remedies for the prevention of infectious diseases and epidemics.
He spoke of the Finlay Institute as one of the most recognized conventional vaccine researchers internationally. In addition to conventional vaccines for international sale, they also make drugs and vaccines prescribed to Cuban citizens as part of that government’s health care system.
This means it is in the Finlay’s best interest to find the most effective preventives and medications at the lowest cost to the manufacturer. This unique situation led the Finlay Institute into researching alternatives to pharmaceuticals and vaccines, making them to date the biggest facility worldwide dedicated to research, development and production of homeopathic remedies especially homeoprophylaxis for the prevention of infectious diseases and epidemic.
They recently developed the homeopathic remedy Leptospira 200ch for the prevention of an outbreak of Leptospirosis bacteria after a hurricane in October of 2007. This remedy was given to 2.4 million people (95 percent of the population involved in the epidemic) shortly after the outbreak began.
Some remedies that you should keep with you during Xmas holidays
Rescue Remedy – this, along with Arnica, belongs on everyone’s shelf. A Bach flower remedy, it works on the emotional level to defuse all sorts of stressful or emergency situations. Just as the name says, this gentle substance can rescue you from moments when your emotions are on high alert. Whether the turkey is bursting into flames in the oven or a snowstorm has got you stranded in Chicago, this offers an immediate dose of calm. Available in drops (put 10 in a glass of water and sip at intervals) or cream or even lozenges, this is a good friend to have on hand for occasional times when you feel overwhelmed and out of control.
If you want to hook yourself up to Rescue Remedy intravenously, then that signals more of a chronic state of stress and calls for an individual homeopathic remedy particular to your symptoms. If any of these remedies sound like you, then taking a dose in the 30C potency now and again as needed through the holidays may help you regain your composure, sanity and physical well-being. If none seem to fit your state, then this could be a good opportunity to talk to a homeopath and look for a curative remedy specific to you.
Gelsemium – not only is this a superb remedy for influenza, it is also wonderful for many kinds of anticipation stress. Whether someone is facing an upcoming exam or a job interview or your spouse’s company Christmas party, if you feel weak, exhausted and trembling at the very thought, then this could be a helpful remedy. There can be dizziness, a dull headache, loose stools and frequent urination accompanying a general dread of the whole ordeal. All you really want to do is lie down, close your eyes, and not wake up until it’s over!
Arsenicum – another good flu remedy, especially where there is vomiting and/or diarrhea involved, this remedy is good for someone who sees the holiday season as one big potential for disaster around every corner and can feel sick with worrying. If you find yourself pacing or physically restless, need to be surrounded by friends/family to whom you constantly articulate your worries, often feel chilly and thirsty (but drink small sips at a time), then consider this remedy. All symptoms may worsen at night where you lie awake in bed with fearsome “what if’” scenarios racing through your mind.
Nux Vomica – one of the essential remedies to counter the effects of overdoing eating and drinking, I privately refer to this as the “grumpy husband” remedy (but it works for women, too!). For people who have high standards of excellence, burn the candle at both ends, order/organize everyone around and then eat, drink or partake in stimulants just a little too much in order to unwind, look no further than this remedy. For those who get a little too dictatorial, responsible and efficient in their efforts to “manage” the holidays and those nearby and then find themselves with indigestion, insomnia, irritability and over-sensitivity to everything (noise, light, smells, cold etc.), get them this remedy asap before the rest of the family decides to spend the holidays elsewhere.
Ignatia – this last remedy would be for those in whom the holiday season brings up sadness and grief. Whether it’s due to the loss of a loved one and being on your own, or any experience of sadness that comes up, use this remedy to help relieve the pain. Symptoms can include brooding, sobbing uncontrollably or conversely not able to cry at all, a lump in the throat, congestive headaches or various spasms/tics. For many, the holidays can be the saddest of times and this remedy is a wonderful healing balm for the broken-hearted.
Vancouver Observer
How to find the right homoeopathic remedy for a illness?
Also read as much as you can the materia medicas. That way you will familiarise yourself with the homoeopathic remedies. Once you know them well, you will be able to spot the right remedy when you see a patient. Homeopathic remedies are like human beings actually. It is just matching the remedy and the disease picture in a patient. Remember as much as you can the keynotes of major remedies. These keynotes are the chief traits of each remedy. That is how you understand them.
Also stress on the mental state of the patient. If the mental symptoms are clear, half the work is done. Stress on the generals too. Mentals and generals are the chief guides to the right remedy. Also look for concomitants. The other disease condition that co-exists with the main ailments in the body of a patient. Boenninghausen says this, which is very true.
This is classical homoeopathy. The only homoeopathy, if you ask me. Anything else will give little or no result. You will only get discouraged and stop the pursuit of the subject.
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As Hahnemann's body of knowledge increased, so did his following, although traditional physicians ridiculed his work, and homeopathy spread throughout the world. Today, homeopathic practitioners, physicians and veterinarians continue to successfully treat patients for a wide range of physical and mental illnesses, using ideas and remedies published by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body to defend and heal itself. Modern clinical trials have proven homeopathy to be safe and effective in a wide variety of non life-threatening conditions. But the processes by which these tiny doses of natural substances are able to cure remains, for many, a mystery.
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